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Fix: Safari 4 Crash on Start Issues

Safari LogoAre you uber excited for the new Safari 4 beta from Apple?  However, on install all it does is bounce and crash?  I’ve been having the issue under 10.5.6 and the fix is simple; remove your Safari addons!

Step 1 – Uninstall Safari 4 beta and revert back to Safari 3.  If you still have Safari 3, then you’re good to go.

Note: You don’t have to reinstall Safari 3, it should just come back when you uninstall Safari 4 beta.

Step 2 – Go to Safari -> Preferences and look for any addons like…

Step 3 – Go to the official site for any addons and see if there is an update or if there are any compatibility issues with Safari 4.  Or just uninstall the addon.

Step 4 – Install Safari 4 beta.

This time, everything should work fine.  It did for me. 🙂

13 Responses

  1. Iltar says:

    Are you uber excited for the new Safari 3 beta from Apple?

    Reverting back to the 3 beta huh?? 🙂

    Anyway, I tried safari 4 beta on windows, seems smooth, but crashes on gmail, same problem on macs??

  2. Thomas says:

    Darn typos. It’s fixed now. And I’ve had no crashes on my Mac related to websites.

  3. Ladoma says:


    thanks for your tip!
    After reinstalling the Safari addons, i had fun with safari 4 beta!


  4. Pine martin says:

    It worked fine for me for almost a week.. since this morning, it has already twice..:(
    How to uninstall Safari 4? Simply drag and drop into trash will do? Would I still be having safari 3? I did not delete safari 3 before installing 4.

  5. Thomas says:

    Re-download Safari 4. One of the options in the installer is to uninstall. It’ll then put Safari 3 back in it’s place.

  6. Mark Wheadon says:

    It’s not necessarily obvious how you uninstall Safari 4 to roll back to 3.2.1. Here’s how:



  7. Mark Wheadon says:

    By the way — if you’re having problems with Safari 4 Public Beta then it may be worth trying it with the latest WebKit loaded. Here’s how to do that — written for people who have a particular problem, but potentially valid as a fix for other problems as well:



  8. Mike says:

    I downloaded the newest version of Safari (4.0) last night. Now I find out that it has totally messed up
    my entire e-mail system. I cannot send any e-mails. I can only receive them.

    Is there an easy way to go back to my old Safari ?? Help.

    I think this is an MSN problem. I have no choice now on my e-mail provider. I am stuck with MSN.


    • Thomas says:

      As noted above, re-download Safari 4. One of the options in the installer is to uninstall. It’ll then put Safari 3 back in it’s place.

  9. Mike says:

    Thanks for all of your suggestions. I am sure glad you all are out there to help.
    The only thing that ended up working for me was to install my old OS-X.
    It gave me back my old safari and my e-mail worked fine again.

  10. Paul says:

    Apple Safari takes more resources compared to Opera and Firefox. sometimes it also freezes so i would still stick to Opera.

  11. melatoninplus says:

    Safari 4 is a bit slow compared to either Opera and Firefox. but i like the interface and graphics of Safari 4, it is cool though.

  1. 2/28/2009

    […] to your heart – there’s been more than a few reports about the (un)expected beta bugs and crashes. I’ve run across a few myself – Hotmail, Gmail with Google Gears, WordPress, and clearing […]

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