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Do you know what box…?

The joy of moving. We had a great move and a big thank you goes out to our family and friends who helped us. Now we have a sea of boxes and they are slowly going away. Most things have been unpacked and our house looks great! The office area is still un-packed though. I have to buy a desk first, then we’ll see what happens. Any suggestions?

There are so many new things to do and learn. So far I hooked up the antenna on top of the house and figured out how to get hotter water for showers and such. I feel so smart. 😉 I even have a work bench full of tools. Now I just need a project. Nothing big. Maybe I’ll build a bookcase. Wouldn’t that be fun!

That’s a quick update from here.

2 Responses

  1. Thomas says:

    Maybe some day, but I want to start with something not so complicated. Plus I need a desk sooner than later.

  2. A.J. says:

    …hmmmmm why not build a desk??

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