American Idol-Addicted as ever

So American Idol started up again and even though I told myself this time I wouldn’t get drawn into the hype again, it drew me right back in. Last night we watched the top 12 women sing and I have picked 5 favorites already and I hear the men are even better. There is one girl though that thinks its all about her as she put it, its called American IDOL not IDOLS. I think she should be eliminated. If we haven’t learned anything in the past it truly is IDOLS as not just Carrie Underwood got a record released, but Bo Bice, George Huff, etc. Bo Bice’s CD is doing better in allot of ways then even Carrie Underwood’s so I have to say this is about idols and not idol and if you think otherwise maybe you need to get your head examined!:)

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