I was very excited when I first heard they had decided to make the Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe into a movie. I had read the book when I was younger and loved it and was intrigued with how they would do it. I think it came off pretty well. The youngest girl in the movie just came off annoying to me but I have a hard time finding young actors good. Even my husband who had never even heard of the movie enjoyed it and I was worried that he would get a little lost in the plot. One thing I would have to say is that you have to keep an open mind with movies like this as drawing in all these imaginary creatures sometimes not everyone enjoys it. This book always reminded me of the Lord of the Rings and I have to say I think the Lord of the Rings did a better job making the movie but this one is designed more for a younger audience. Now I bought a set of all the chronicles of narnia since I haven’t read the whole set and I’m sure they will make more of the movies so I have to get caught up!