Last week I took one of my cats for his yearly update of shots and checkup and I came up with an idea. I wish somewhere there was a non-profit for people who can’t necessarily afford to take their animals to the vet when they should, whether its for an animal needs their yearly shots or a surgery. Its not that I can’t afford to take my animals in but I do know allot of people who love their animals dearly and have no problem feeding and housing them but they might not be able to take them to the vets like they should. Lets be honest its expensive to go the vet even for the routine things. I took my cat in for an annual check up and 3 shots and it was a $100. Thats not cheap. I would think that in the beginning you could find vets to donate their time to the cause but as this non-profit grew you should be able to employ vets for this cause. I don’t know if a place like this exists already or how you would even start a place like this but I think its a great idea to help out people who love their animals dearly but may not be able to help them in all the ways that they want to. What do you think does a place like this exist? If not how would one go about starting it?
Hey Christi!
I really like the site and appreciate most of the information I find here.
Some of the “Meow-Pot” stuff I found offensive, but I really respected your decision to put up with them.
I did find evidence and experience based answers, and that was what I was looking for.
I’m commenting under non-profit, because I “think” this is where it should go…
I am a low income individual that recently got a companion cat.
There are two things I would like to mention.
If you know someone that could benefit from a companion animal…
This is covered under the Fair Housing Act.
Those who manage properties are not allowed to discriminate against people with or seeking a companion animal (even if there is a policy banning pets).
They are also not allowed (under the law) to charge a pet deposit.
The pet owner however is responsible for any damages that might come about from owning a companion animal.
Our local Area Agency on Aging introduced me to a program called:
WALOP (We All Love Our Pets).
This program helps those on a low, fixed or limited income with the cost of pet food.
In my area, the pet food is provided daily with the delivery of food from the “meals on wheels” program.
Human food and pet food are clearly marked and easily distinguishable.
These programs are independent of each other, but also work well in combination.
The WALOP Grant helps many, many people.
If you know anyone that could benefit from this program, please look for information in your area, and share it.
In my area the funds for this grant are already depleted, but with a new year, comes new opportunities…
Thanks so much for letting me share,
This is an absolutely awesome idea, I most certainly wish there were something along those lines to help us out, I myself am on disability and doing all i can to take care of the cats they continually throw from cars in our area….(no I am not a hoarder lol we try very hard to find them homes but with our income vet care is non existent at this time)If there is anything i can do to help along the lines of research etc please feel free to let me know good luck in this
Pingback: Illinios Help-A-Pet Program » Randomness of Christi
I think what you’re talking about is something like this:
While this organization is in NYC – it’s been around for a long time and it’s a good model for other similar organizations to follow.
You might also check out
The thing about setting up a non-profit is that you need to get your 501(c) 3 status and that can take over a year… if this is something you want to pursue – I wish you ALL the luck in the world, I think it’s a great cause – heck, I would even host your website for free (but I’m sure Thomas has you covered there).