A few months ago I was told by a co-worker that the Twilight series was a very addicting series. I thought about getting it but it had a long waiting list at the library and I didn’t want to buy it if I wasn’t going to like it. Then at Christmas my husband gave me the first book in the series. After the first couple of chapters I couldn’t put the book down. The next day I told my husband that we had to go buy the second and third book. By the end of Christmas week I had read all of the three books. I loved the story and can’t wait until the fourth book comes out and the movie comes out. I have always loved reading but these books really sucked me in. I think it was a combination of the romance, action, supernatural and more parts of the story. It had a little of everything in there and if you ever get the chance I would HIGHLY recommend these books to anyone! I will probably end up reading all of them again before the fourth book comes out in the fall.
I can’t wait until the fourth one comes out on August 2nd. I have read each twice only since Christmas and its gotten me back into vampire books. Now I have read the Vampire Diaries, started reading the Anne Rice books and Vampire Kisses. When I have the time of course :)!
My niece got me into that series after the 1st book came out! I was hooked immediately and have read them all about 2 or 3 times each! You know me…love the vampire stories!