I have written before that I was totally addicted to the Twilight Series by Stephenie Meyer. Well in August the fourth book in the series comes out called Breaking Dawn. I think this is the last book in the series and I have already pre-ordered mine as I can’t wait to read it. My husband was kind enough to created me a cool countdown widget to anticipate this book. I encourage any and all who are addicted to this series to pre-order the book and get the widget!!!
I just saw Twilight Breaking Dawn. It is amazing. My bf just downloaded the whole movie. I wanna go watch again.
I LOVE twilight series…………Read them all like 15 times…… Saw eclipse it was totally AWESOME!!!! TEAM EDWARD…………But my fav caractor is sooooooo Jasper
Hey my name’s Kath and im 15! I love the Twilight series alot. Can’t wait for breaking dawn
it comes out on the 4th over here.. so thats
29 days. i cant wait for the movie as well, its
gonna be so amazing !!
ah i soound like a fan girl haha
Mine doesn’t get why I like the books either but he’s not much of a reader. He thought I was crazy when I suggested making a widget that had a different quote or idea from the books each week. Apparently that didn’t happen maybe for the Twilight movie widget he’s going to create.
Thanks for the awesome widget!!! Yay for vegitarian vampires!
It’s always good to have a supportive husband. Mine just thinks I’m obsessed.