Author: Thomas
Why be a princess when you can have the keys to the kingdom?
Lily has two Halloween costumes again this year. The first one was a Minnie Mouse costume that worked perfectly for the beautiful weather we had the weekend before Halloween. We had two parties to go to and had lots of fun. We saw lots of princesses around, but only one other Minnie Mouse. Minnie is […]
OMG Jack O’ Lanterns!
Looking pretty good this year. Mine’s the overly happy one, the wife’s the scary looking one, and Lily’s is the scared looking one.
Leaves are plentiful this year. That’s why I have help.
Eye See What’s Going On Here
Lily found an eye Halloween costume at Target. I kind of like it actually. Weird in a fun way.
Good Morning Bravo Train
Crazy Zombie Gnome
I was really hoping to take this crazy little zombie gnome home today, but I was denied. Maybe next time I visit the store I’ll take him home. Found him at Menards in the Halloween section.
Great Weekend For Picking Pumpkins
Headed out to our favorite pick your own pumpkin patch, Dimler’s, and got some great pumpkins again this year.
Taking a Llama for a Walk.
Beautiful Fall Colors
The fall colors are bright and beautiful around Minnesota. Love this time of year.