Update-Broken Ankle-1 Year later

So its been about a 1 year (and a month) since I completely broke my ankle (broke every bone and dislocated it) and I’m proud to say my ankle is basically healed. I have scars on both sides of my ankle and it still swells bigger than my non-broken ankle but overall I can do everything again that I could do before I broke it. In fact I have started running at the Gym and it holds up well. Every so often my ankle will tell me if I’ve done too much by causing some pain or if the weather is changing. I still have all of the metal in my ankle as I figure that I’m going to at least enjoy the summer before deciding if I want to get the metal removed or not. Any of you out there who have broken an ankle before do you still have the metal or not? Is it as simple a procedure as the doctor says to remove it? Do I have to go back on crutches at all?

2,203 thoughts on “Update-Broken Ankle-1 Year later

  1. Back from the Dr. There was very little swelling, 14 stitches removed, 11 screws still in place, the ankle looks great and my wrist is healing well. I have a cast on my lower leg now, and he put a new cast on my wrist! 4 weeks with these new casts and then they both come off August 23 rd, then physical therapy. I am allowed to do partial weight bearing! Still elevating and icing! Ditching the walker for one crutch and getting the sealable cast covers for the pool tomorrow! I am on a mission to still enjoy my summer!

  2. Michelle, your post today (July 28) broke my heart, as do so many of them. I am 63, it was ten months for me on July 15 — I thought SURE I’d be doing Disney with the grandkids (the doctor SAID I would!). I did Silver Springs last week with my nieces and needed to keep the wheelchair nearby. Didn’t use it all the time, but sure am not keeping up with the kids, like the doctor ASSURED me I would. I had the same stuff, ankle full of plates and screws, one taken out about two months after the original surgery. I still have pain and swelling every day. I liked what one of you said (sorry, can’t remember who) about elevating foot above your heart helping. But who has time to spend all day with our foot in the air? Well I go to be early at night now and do just that before sleep. Also in the morning, if there is time, though mornings are busy for me, my husband is disabled and requires assistance with every day life. Living with non-stop pain is a whole new challenge, and it gets old fast. I keep looking at the blessings in my life — and hoping for new medical advances! Hang on, ya’ll, and thanks to you for all encouarging and sharing.

  3. Michelle, falls can be so bad. I hope you can find relief some way soon.

    A lawyer nearby in TN just last weekend, his wife fell in their garage, hit her head on the concrete and she died. Hard to imagine that a fall could end so tragically.

    When we were driving home from the doctor Monday, with good & bad news . . . I told my husband it could be worse and I could have umpteen screws and plates and staples all over my leg/ankle. After not seeing my leg and then removing the splint to xray, it was so ugly and all yellow, green, blue . . . it looked awful.

  4. My guess is, part of your pain is because you do not have any cartilage left in your ankle and it is all bone-on-bone. That is what I was told by a Mayo Dr. After two years since my accident I am still having too much pain. I felt something more could be done, so I went to a widely known Dr. at the Mayo clinic in Rochester, MN. He said what I have is what he would want his patients to be like. I think every
    Dr. uses the phrase, “It is what it is.” He also talked against removing screws, pins and/or plates. He also mentioned that ankle replacement is too new and you would not see it done at Mayo for some time. He is waiting for better results and more research. My last hope is acupuncture.
    I liked the comment made earlier. Accept any help you can get now. You can repay it back later on. Accepting help was absolutely the hardest thing for me. I struggled every day with having my family do things I used to do and having my parents come and “babysit” me while my family was gone at school/work. Everyone made sacrifices and it made me feel sad and helpless. It took months for me to understand it was okay. Hang in there and do whatever you are told. Research a lot and don’t make quick decisions.
    (I had tri mal/dislocation in ankle and bicondular tibial plataeu (sp) fracture/dislocation in knee)

  5. Deana – I slip and fell at home on my back stairs, down 17 stepts, broke my tibia and fibula, sprain my big toe, strain the entire leg, plus 3 additional fracture. I am just thankful to God that it was only one foot and no where else…

  6. Oh Michelle, that sounds like quite the ordeal. As you can tell, I am fairly new here and new to ankle injuries . . . so is a tri-mal a triple fracture? How did it happen?

    Mine it two, one on the outer and one on the inner with very slight dislocation on one of them, not sure which.

    We called the orthopaedic place in town at home while we were still in TX . . . now I realize even though I told them I had a broke ankle, my doctor specializes in shoulders. Argh. But so far so good. In Texas at the Baylor place they just xray’d and put me in a splint, here a new splint and more xrays both times so far.

  7. Deana – After the first surgery, I was transferred to a Rehab facility where I spent almost 3 weeks, went home and had PT at home for another two months before I went independently outside the home, PT continue until July of 2009. I folowed all my Dr’s order and still can’t get any relief. I still contine to do my daily stretches, lifts, rotation and everything else that I was taught at rehab. I gues, for me life will never be the same where walking and living pain free is concerned.

  8. Oh Michelle, that is terrible to hear. I am so sorry those around you are being supportive and understanding. I can feel for that as my 16 yr. daughter is not understanding and compassionate either.

    Did you have physical therapy after healing to improve your ankle endurance and range of motion?

    Take Care!!!!!

  9. Abby, I hope you are having a great checkup. How is your swelling coming along? I can’t believe mine was still swollen after all this time except I did have a long car ride home, 12 hours with foot down and while in Texas didn’t keep it up as high as it should have been, didn’t know any better, IF I knew what I know now IK would have sent my husband out to the store to buy some better pillows than what was there. Tonight will be FOUR WEEKS for me, still in splint but no surgery and IF this is what it takes to avoid screws and plates, that is what I shall do, just lay here.

    Oh and I am upping my protein intake via smoothies with added plant based protein powder, vitamins, especially Calcium, D and C and some glucosomiene (sp?) too.

  10. Hey Guys… Rembember me…Broke my ankle on December 22nd, 2008. Had surgery, plates, screws and pins were put in place. On January 4, 2010, I had 1 screw removed due to where it was located and what it was pressing again’st. Well it did not get any better after that, the pain was severe especially when am walking. The Dr. suggested that I try the Cortisone shot, which was very painful, got that on May 4th, 2010 and by the end on June the pain returned. Not only am I experienceing severe pain, the swelling is out of the world. Yesterday (July 27th) I went back for an re-evaluation, did not reveive any good news. The Dr told me unfortunately there is nother else he can do, except for extensive surgery, such as Ankle Replacement in the near future…I left the office feeling so down hearted, I could not even return to work for the remainder of the day. I am only 44year old, I am now feeling that my life is over, by the amounf of time I should be spending iceing and elevating my foot. No one around me understand’s what am going through, people really thing that I need to get over it, they have no clue of the extent of how badly damage my akle is…Since it’ my right foot driving any distance over two miles is hard especially in traffic… Right now I don’t know what to do…

  11. Hi All!

    For those who are relative newbies (I am over 2 years now with a tri-mal, dislocate)…..please remember to elevate OVER YOUR HEART to have any effect! I guess most of us will never be the same but…I am thrilled that I can walk relatively painfree without any aid. It does get better, even for old folks like me (58).

    Hang in there and remember, no one but us really gets what we go thru..so the impatience of other should NOT be taken to heart!


    Judy R

  12. Abby, I have been reading your heartbreaking posts, just know you’re not alone, and my (unsolicited) advice would be to take all the help offered to you; you’re going to need it, and when you are recovered, you can return the favor by passing it on to others in need. Also, be patient with yourself, don’t expect too much too fast. I TRIED too much too fast, and as a result slowed down my recovery process. My ankle injury, while very serious, was nothing compared to what you are going through — and has been life-altering. Hang in there, you are young and strong, let yourself heal.

  13. Abby,
    Mine also happened at work. I was actually hanging material to create a bulletin board. It happened 2 days before teacher workshop and a week before the kids would be walking in the door. They had to quickly find a long term sub for me. They were able to convince one of our retired 3rd grade teachers to come into my 4th grade classroom. My adjuster with workman’s comp has been a pain since day one. Get a QRC. They are the go-between you and workman’s comp. They help decide what is reasonable. Mine helps me out a lot.
    Tell your husband to not let any teachers stand on a desk to hang a bulletin board. I was actually on a ladder, but in my 25 years of teaching I have stood on a lot worse.
    I can’t wait to hear how your appt goes. Try and stay positive and understand it is a long haul. Do EVERYTHING they tell you to.
    Take care,

  14. Thanks Wendi, my dog is also suffering, she is my walking buddy. I walked about 3 miles a day up until this all happened. I am so excited to go to the doctors tomorrow and she how everything is going. I am glad you are doing so well. It is so exciting to hear that people who were as injured as I am are back to semi normal! I will post tomorrow about my appointment!

  15. abby,

    Keep your chin up. I was down for 10 weeks I had three surgeries and my doctors appt. yesterday was awesome news. I am on no restrictions and I can start taking hikes and doing stuff. I also am back in the saddle again. I can ride my horse. She suffered like I did because I couldn’t ride her. It does get better so don’t panic. I wish you the best and I know you appt. will go great. Keep us informed. This site got me through my whole ordeal. It will be a year In August that my accident happened.

  16. Deana,
    Did your doctor put you on celebrex or anything like that? It is supposed to help with bone pain and inflammation. I took it for about a week and a half, it seemed to help. Just a thought.

  17. Nancy and Deana, thanks for the support. You guys are the only people I can really relate to. I am going for my 2 week post op check up tomorrow. I get my splint off my leg and he is supposed to cast it. Then 4 more weeks. Nancy I have a walker and a wheelchair, the walker is nice when I have to go short distances. I am just hoping for some good news tomorrow. All of this happened at work and my workers comp was denied yesterday, so we now have an attorney dealing with it. I have about 4 weeks until my kids start school and 3 until my husband goes back to teach, I am hoping I can make it through all of this and still have some sanity left! Please keep commenting to me, it gives me a glimmer of hope!

  18. Oh Abby, you poor thing. And with a 3 yr old and 5 yr old to boot. I hope you husbands school year doesn’t start back very soon. Ours start in 2 weeks.

    I went back for check up today, still too much swelling so still in splint 26 days later. I keep my foot up 23 hours a day so will go back to icing 4 times day too.

    Good Luck Abby!!!!! With your wrist, knee and ankle, you have got to be miserable.

  19. Abby, I can totally relate to you. I fell from a ladder and landed on my right foot. I felt the dislocation in my knee when it happened. It ended up that also had two fractures in the knee with some shattering and then a tri in the foot. I ended up with about 23 pins/screws and 4 plates. I can’t imagine using a walker with your arm in a cast. Why aren’t you using a wheelchair? I was in a wheelchair for 3 months and then progressed to a walker and ended with a cane.
    If you happen to live in Mpls/St.Paul, MN I will be over to help. Life for you right now is all about problem-solving. This is a life-changing event.

  20. I was changing at work I am a nurse, and my knee dislocated. When I fell from the dislocation my ankle shattered and I tried to catch my self and broke my wrist. It was a freak accident, since most 28 year olds dont dislocate their knees changing their pants. I had surgery the next day and plates, screw, and pins were all put in. I have a cast up to my elbow on my wrist and still just a splint on my right leg. In 2 days I go back to the doctor to have the splint off and something else put on. I have a 3 year old and a 5 year old and thank god my husband is a teacher and is here to help me. I am using a walker with a special attachment for my casted arm. I am on non weight bearing, which is miserable! If anyone has any info on the length of time for their healing or any encouraging words, please share!

  21. Deana—Oh that rushing pain when the blood goes to your foot!! I remember that and swore it would never get better. I kinda compare it to raising kids…one problem gets better and then you have something else to deal with. Sometimes it’s better and sometimes not. Remember how potty training was so miserable? Now it’s just a fleeting memory and we have bigger fish to fry with the teens! Right? Same thing. I rmember sitting on the toilet for 45 min until somebody got home becasue I couldn’t figure out how to get up without pain. Humbling. It’s kinda funny now but devastating that I was so helpless then. As far as the “helping family” situation I finally realized that nobody is wired the same as I am. I would ask if I needed anything and try to clump requests together so I wasn’t asking every 5 minutes. As far as housework…lower your standards. It may not be done right but it will get done eventually and if you complain…they won’t do it at all!! Your family will appreciate all you do! Have a great Friday. Get some books from the library (you can usually order them online and have your hubby pick them up). Talk to you soon!! Diane

  22. Deana—Oh that rushing pain when the blood goes to your foot!! I remember that and swore it would never get better. I kinda compare it to raising kids…one problem gets better and then you have something else to deal with. Sometimes it’s better and sometimes not. Remember how potty training was so miserable? Now it’s just a fleeting memory and we have bigger fish to fry with the teens! Right? Same thing. I rmember sitting on the toilet for 45 min until somebody got home becasue I couldn’t figure out how to do it without pain. Humbling. It’s kinda funny now but devastating that I was so helpless then. As far as the “helping family” situation I finally realized that nobody is wired the same as I am. I would ask if I needed anything and try to clump requests together so I wasn’t asking every 5 minutes. As far as housework…lower your standards. It may not be done right but it will get done eventually and if you complain…they won’t do it at all!! Your family will appreciate all you do! Have a great Friday. Get some books from the library (you can usually order them online and have your hubby pick them up). Talk to you soon!! Diane

  23. Hi Deana:

    I’m sorry to hear about your accident and it was so recent, too. Elevating the ankle is really good and are you icing? In the early stages of my healing it was 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off, and I think it kept the swelling at least tolerable. Like you, I also had that “rushing” sensation when putting my ankle down and that will continue for a while until you’re moving around more.

    I have a sneaking suspicion that as your husband picks up more and more tasks that you previously did, he will “encourage” the kids to do more! 🙂 They’re not used to your new situation, but it’s only fair that they step up to the plate to help you out.

    I had to have two surgeries (three weeks apart), and I don’t think I’d be walking today without all of the rods and screws. My breaks were dislocations and it took 2 rods and 8 screws to put me back together.

    Keep your chin up and know that your pals here understand what you’re going through!

  24. Sunlight and Diane, thanks for the comforting replies. I’m praying and praying and laying here hoping that surgery won’t be necessary. Reading about all the screws and plates totally terrifies me and IF after 4 weeks, 2 weeks already plus the almost 2 more til next appointment . . . I will be completely crushed IF he comes in and says the word surgery.

    I can only hope the bones are starting to heal as I lay here in the temporary splint thing. The pain isn’t horrible, last night I was very achy and a little throbbing and such so took one of the pills and two glasses of wine. Slept pretty good until 2 a.m. and with it so elevated, the heel area seemed to be throbbing & aching when I woke up so a little maneuvering on my side and laying my foot to the side and then the other seems to help. I pretty much managed the first 2 weeks only using 8 of the Tromadal (sp?) and then used 3 more after we got home on a Sat. night until my appt. on this past Tues. a.m. Was achy after the almost 12 hour drive home. Then have taken 4 of the Hydracodone since Tuesday, 2 being that first afternoon and night after they man handled my foot/ankle.

    Now that this doctor here at home has me elevating my foot/ankle much higher than before, when I do swing it over to sit up and trek to the restroom, the immediate rushing of blood to my foot and right calf is not pleasant but it does subside after a minute or two. I try not to stay up very long and get it back up on the pillow ASAP.

    Well, husband has left me home alone this afternoon with the kids. He went in to the office for a few hours and made me a wrap/roll for lunch that is in the refrig and all they have to do is get it out and bring it to me.

    I don’t think they realize how hard it is for someone who has done for themselves their entire life to ask for every little thing . . . even refreshing the toilet paper in the bathroom and placing rolls nearby . . . it isn’t easy to have to ask and it isn’t like I can carry anything with the crutches. Some “joke” commercial showed people with neck baskets and I had to backup the DVR to show them I “need” on of those. 🙂

  25. don’t get me wrong I still get pain occasionally but I expect that for the rest of my life. I actually jumped in the pool instead of walking because I wanted to still see if I could do it. I did it. Riding the horse is encouraging to. The poor thing had to wait until I recovered so she sat for 3 months. What a good girl she was for me for the first time. I am glad that I could help and any questions just ask them.

  26. Oh Wendi, your post was SO ENCOURAGING. Thank you. I have the same “set-up” (plate, screws on the outside, and two long ones on the other side). I am tired of the pain and hopeful now, to believe that in a few months it could be better…bless you!

  27. Been almost a year for my broken ankle and I hardly have any pain. I do have a plate and screws on one side and two screws holding the bones together so the tendon could heal on the other side. It does get better and keep your heads up. I am now riding my horse again and walking wonderfully.

  28. Oh Deana,
    I felt the same. my break was December and I felt like a total burden. (i still feel that at times!!)Just could’nt figure out why I HAD to ask about everything! I wanted my Mom! You know how Mom’s can think of everything BEFORE you need it! You just have to break down and ask or you’ll be miserable. My family started to get a little sarcastic. They would say they were joking but….. It WILL get better, just never fast enough. Take it one day at a time or even one hour at a time if you have to. There were days I would think..if I can make it to dinner time that’s progress!! You just have to realize that you CANNOT do things now. Your job is to get better. You have to give up the Mom duties. I know I was bossy and crabby, but nobody does things the way I do and I just had to accept that. The house was dirtier, the clothes piled up and the sun came up the next day. YOU do whatever the Dr told you to do. Take things as they come and be careful! Cry if you need cause it’s the only release right now! Keep writing. It just feels better to know you aren’t alone and ALL these things you feel are normal!!! Hang in there! Diane

  29. Deana,
    I know what you are going through. I didn’t have surgery for a couple of weeks, my own decision, but the swelling was too much to operate immediately anyway. I was terrified of the surgery but by 3 weeks when the breaks were not healing in a cast, and the pain was horrific, I agreed to the surgery. I don’t know if waiting was the problem, but here I am 2+ years later and it is not perfect. However, I do recall the surgeon saying that if I didn’t do it, I would never walk again and even with sugery, he could not guarantee I would be 100% so I guess no surprise. I am walking fine but I do have to take it easy on my feet. It was my left ankle and I still have swelling and some pain. But the bulk of my pain was gone once they put me back together. That part was really amazing! The recovery is slow but do as they tell you and make sure you don’t miss physioterhapy. It’s baby steps but you will get there. CHeck this site often and write when you feel the need to vent! I found these sites fabulous support as I lay in my hospital bed (in my house on the main floor) feeling very sorry for myself and thinking nobody in my family understood……


  30. I broke my ankle on June 30th, 2010 on our very first day of vacation. We had left home early that morning and drove as far as the Memphis Zoo, spent several hours, I so wanted to see the Polar Bears, Grizzly Bears AND Panda Bears. Then we drove a little further to Little Rock AR and stopped for the night. We caught the hotel shuttle to the River Walk and weren’t there 5 minutes when it happened. A very wide walkway down to the river that was level but slightly sloping for 10-15 feet and then 2 steps and another 10-15 feet of level and so on. Well, I missed the 3rd set of steps. Oh my gosh, I fell flat and fell hard. Scraped up both legs, ankles, elbow, arm and could not stand. Finally crawled back a little to sit on steps that I had missed. Husband helped me hobble to a bench. Right leg felt like I was trying to stand on slippery ice. Hobbled back up the hill and got the kids a bite to eat and called shuttle to come pick us up. Hobbled up to room and there I stayed the night. Next a.m. they got the wheelchair from the front desk and wheeled me to our vehicle. Drove on to TX. Did not drink or get out of car at all. Got to my Dad’s and laid propped up that night and next day. At everyone’s urging I went to the Baylor Urgent Care Facility in D/FW on July 3. Saw one break and they did a temporary splint and some crummy pain pills. Laid up several more days and dr. called to say after the holiday weekend radiologist had found another break. Laid up a few more days. Returned home, 11 1/2 hours on the road and had appt. for Tuesday July 13. Yep still two breaks and both inner and outer ankle. IF it moves, then surgery. Still way way too much swelling to cast so they removed the splint/temporary and put another on. OMGosh the pressure and pushing while laying on my stomach with my leg up and THEN thigh cramp in injured leg. That did not stop the pushing and pressure and re-casting with bigger, uglier and heavier temporary/splint cast. TWO MORE weeks with toes higher than my nose. Only sit up to eat & drink and hop 15 feet over to the bathroom and that is IT. I have a 13 & 16 year old. They are completely worthless although 13 year old boy is now asking a few times a day IF I need anything. 16 year old girl is not helpful at all. Husband is able to be flexible and work from home. Had a good cry on Monday after he left me home alone with the kids and I went without food or drink for way too long. I can definitely understand the emotional part of this as I’m already feeling it. I had been working out, was up to 60-80 minutes a day, alternating with cardio and strength training and getting fitter and feeling so good and NOW I’m helpless and not a real happy camper. Oh and it is my right foot so who knows when I might can drive again. School starts soon, and I so don’t want my 13 yr. old to have to ride the bus and 16 yr. old can’t help because she has marching band practice every day after school.

    I just hope I heal and can get back to where I was and not have to have surgery. So for now, I’m doing everything the doctor said to the letter~~~~!!!!!!

  31. Thanks to you ALL for posting your experiences. I can identify with each of you in one way or another. I had a freak accident which broke all bones connecting right foot to leg (ten months ago now). One plate, ten screws remain. Doc said I could get them out if I wanted to, but from what I’m reading, some of you did so, and don’t think it helped, some of you think it did. I don’t have acceptable insurance so would have to pay too much to do it. This doctor was not forthcoming about how long there would be pain and swelling. I keep hoping one of you will say that the pain and swelling are finally gone. Doc said I’d be able to “do Disney” with the grandchildren but I should have asked him WHEN — another lifetime? I have to work hard not to be negative; I could have lost my foot but I can walk (not without pain though) I appreciate every one of you who posted here, and encourage you to hang in there and don’t give up!

  32. Hi Everyone:

    Today is the one-year anniversary of my fall. (Fractured left foot, right tibia and fibula (2) and ankle (3). All dislocations, 2 surgeries, 2 rods, 8 screws). Anyway, I’d like to offer encouragement to our new friends here. Things will get better, but slowly, and the depression that sets in early on is normal and will pass as you start to heal. Go easy on yourself and let others help you. For some reason, our brains try to concentrate on what we can’t do instead of what we can, which is understandable since our lives were turned upside down in a split second. Going from a fully independent person to the exact opposite is a bitter pill to swallow.

    At one year, I still have stiffness and some swelling, but the mind-numbing pain is mostly gone. I can now take fairly long walks again, but sometimes after I’ve been sitting I get sharp pains when I get up. I definitely do better when I keep moving. Another thing I’ve noticed is that if I really push myself at the gym, the pain will go up, but after it subsides I then make more progress. I guess the trick is realizing when enough is enough, so I don’t do more damage than good! I also still have scar tissue that limits my range of motion, so I’m looking into going to a medical massage therapist to deal with that.

    I wish everyone steady progress and fast healing!

  33. Amy—You are going to get through this the same way we all did….good days, bad days and feeling so many things you will want to scream!! (I suggest you scream-good release!!) Your family will feel helpless and not know how to help so you have to ASK FOR HELP!! Even if you don’t wan’t to or are tired of it. There were so many days I just wanted my Mom because she seemed to think of everything and made me comfortble and I didn’t want to be a burden. UGH so many emotions. Just gotta ride then out and take it 1 day a a time. I always went to bed thinking “tomorrow HAS to be better!!” Sometimes it was and sometimes it wasn’t but you always hope.I am now 7 months out. I can walk without a cane but I still have a limp and have some tendon problems. I wish I could go back and move it more when they told me too. I thought I did a good job but now I wonder if I could’ve done more to prevent this? Who knows, can’t go back so I’m moving forward. I was in the bathroom
    the other day and thought…remember when I had to hop with my walker on one leg and I could’nt figure out how to get down on the pot or get up again?? I just figured it out. You will too. But time only moves forward and you gotta take it one day at a time (or one hour at a time on some days) BE careful and do only what you are allowed and ask for help. come to the website and vent we’ve all been there and gotten through it.Good luck and I’m thinking of you. Keep us posted!! There’s alot of good tips here!!! Here’s to a better day! Diane

  34. i fractured my ankle in several places 9 days ago. i had the surgury yeah plate screws the whole nine yards. this is going to be such a long recovery, the tears just keep coming.glad i found this site. im not alone and there is hope for a “normal” life down the road.

  35. Hey all,
    Seems like there are a lot of broken ankle-people here.
    Just came across this blogg/wall in coinsidence when googleing for broken ankles.
    Feels good to not be alone with having problem with swollen ankle after 1 year now since I broke it. Both sides of my left legt. Put in totally 8 screws and 2 plates.
    What are you all doing to ease the swelling? Its really gettin quite unbarable with the heat during the summer.. 🙁
    Dr says that it could be like this for a while, and just tells me to wear this ridicoulus looking sock constantly.. but its hot.. and I want to get a tan on that leg too..
    Appriciate all tips on how to get my ankle to heal better.
    Thx 🙂

  36. Well,at least I’m not crazy. I’m 3 months out of ankle surgery – plate and 8 screws. Of course, another accident…walking a 1/2 marathon and tripped backwards over a safety cone when loooking back for a friend!!! Anyway, I keep thinking I’m going to feel normal and my ankle swells so badly. We have been moving this week and it is so bad I have had to take 2 days just to lay around and get it back to “normal” swelling. It IS depressing and frustrating. My whole life has changed. Going shopping…wait..how far around the store…is there a cart to lean on??? I need to “run” outside and get the mail..nope, not going to happen. I know these aren’t big things, but every single thing requires special effort. I am in pain 90% of the time and the swelling is terrible. I’m past caring about the scar…even the shoes…I just want to be able to walk around the block, chase after my grandkids a little bit, and go somewhere for a couple of hours. This site helps becuase I see that I’m not alone. If you haven’t been through it, you can’t understand. My husband has been wonderful, but he doesn’t understand my frustration or why I feel like crying so often. Thanks for letting me vent. I’m holding on to the success stories I’m hearing and looking forward to feeling better.

  37. Ahhhh… this is where you all are. I’ve been over on the 2 year site, but it’s been pretty quiet there….

    I’m Lee, a 42 yr old woman from the Bay Area with 2 busy kids ages 9 and 12, celebrating the 2 year anniversary today of my trimal fracture with dislocation. I’ve had 2 surgeries -the original to place the plate and many screws and pins, and a second, 9 months later, to remove the hardware, clean out the joint, and repair a torn ligament.

    Just scanned through all the posts here. You all sound exactly as I did about a year ago. Husbands who don’t get the pain and limitations, pain and swelling the inexplicably won’t go away, questions about metal removal …. it’s all so normal.

    My husband was useless when I was laid up for 12 weeks and couldn’t drive. I had to run the show from the couch and make sure everything continued to happen for the family and kids. It was no fun, but we got through it and now I know, He’s no good in a crisis. I have me to rely on. Lean on your friends and the board here. We all get it. Unless you’ve been there, you can’t know.

    I had my metal removed 9 months out … best thing I ever did. Was non-weight bearing for 3 weeks, then 3 weeks in a boot, then PT again for a few weeks. Last summer saw pretty limited activity. This summer, I am SO much better. Walking 4 miles a day. Still some swelling and occasional pain, but nothing like before. I have a long-term problem with the posterior tibial tendon. Just have to wear orthotics and good running shoes. No heels or dressy shoes for me. Almost never. Going on a cruise to Alaska next week and i plan to try a hike on a glacier. Not sure how it will go, but worst case, I have to hang back.

    So, my message to you all is that it does get better, in time. My ankle is far from perfect, but considering I thought I might never walk again, it’s pretty darn good and my life is pretty normal now, with some modifications. I’m losing the weight I’ve gained over the past 2 years, and feeling really good. I can’t run, jump or do other high impact sports, but that’s ok. I can walk, drive, take care of my family, and go to work. I just adjust as needed to pain and swelling and I manage. I expect some arthritis later in life – will deal with that when the time comes.

    Take care – will keep checking in here as well as the 2 year board. Hi Trac, Hi Lois, Hi Anklequest!


  38. Has anyone ever had an Ankle Fusion? I would love to hear from someone before I have it done in December.

  39. Dear Diane,

    The removal of the hardware was a lot easier than I thought. The pain was nothing like the surgery from the break. It’s faster and easier to recover as well. Keep us posted. Lots of luck.

  40. Hi Diane – I removed my screws on January 4, 2010 and it was just a painful as when I first had them put in. I was non-weinght bearing for 6-8 weeks then started therapy after that period but it’s now July and am still in alot of pain, I ofter wonder if it was worth the trouble.

  41. Hi, I just came across this site, and as I have just broken my ankle 2 weeks ago everything you all have to say has helped me realize that a broken ankle takes a long time to heal. My fracture is a bimaleolar, but I also had a small fracture at the back apparently. I was at the fracture clinic yesterday and saw my surgeon, who has a very good reputation, and also is a very nice and caring person. I had my second cast put on yesterday after two weeks in the one they put on after the operation,and my surgeon has told me after looking at yesterdays x-rays that there is a bit of a misalignment that is going to give me arthritis later. I dont think the seriousness of that hit me then and I asked no questions. I have since been on the internet reading and watching and learning the different names of the bones in the foot and the outcome of something being out of alignment. Did not sleep much last night wishing I had asked him questions yesterday. I have them all on paper and will call his office today and find out if anything can be done about this..I am 59 and have never had a broken bone before, I also work and am a bit of a workaholic and I am finding this extremely difficult to deal with, I am depressed already, I was feeling great right up until this past Monday and I think I spent too much time up filling out papers from work as that is where it happened.. My foot was burning by the end of the day even though it was elevated while I was sitting filling out papers. I am glad I have found this site…even if just to vent…

  42. Can’t believe I’m 7 months out from my tri-mal fracture and still with daily pain, swelling and a HUGE limp. My foot turns out and I get pain under the “bones” on my inner and outer ankle with every step. Dr says tibial tendonitis and injected it with steroids in June. Helped for a couple weeks and the pain is back (sigh). He said if it came back he wants to remove 2 screws from my inner ankle and get an MRI to see if I actually damaged the tendon with my fracture. My outer ankle hurts as well. he says he won’t take hardware out if it doesn’t bother me but I just want to be better! I will be without insurance (becasue it would cost me $973 a month-my husband is going back to teaching and will get insurance in the fall)until end of August so I guess things are on hold for now. How is getting the screws out?? How about the recovery??

  43. Trac, do you still have plans to come to MN? I have not been on this web site for a long time. It is still interesting to read everyone story.

  44. JudyT, Your story is an absolute nightmare. I feel your pain! At the 1-year mark I was still in pain every day and swelling was ridiculous, especially if I actually did anything so maybe it is too soon to expect? My accident was Dec 4th 07.. I was walking the dog around 10pm and slipped on ice and had to crawl back home. Only a couple houses away but there was a lot of snow and I was not dressed for it. Had just intended to take the dog a couple of houses and back to wrap Christmas presents… I refused to go to Emerg that night, much to my husband’s dismay.. I knew it was bad and but was more worried about surgery than long term effects. I did go the next day and they said I needed surgery and I opted to wait and see if it would heal itself (clearly I was in no position to self dx but was terrified more of the surgery and my husband couldn’t convince me to do otherwise). Had to change the cast every week and each time they would tell me I needed surgery. Ended up giving in and had the surgery Dec 22nd. Cast came off Jan 31st and we moved Feb 1st! Looking back, I don’t know how we did it! Started my physio a week later, partial weight bearing, and gradually moved from wheelchair to crutches to one crutch then nothing. I only started driving again when I didn’t need 2 crutches. Within that first year, a day (sometimes an hour) didn’t go by that I wasn’t acutely aware of my injury and I was kind of depressed throughout the whole ordeal. Fast forward to now, and my discovery with shoes, and some days I am actually pain free and just a little swollen. I don’t care about the scar either and and have come to accept that I will never be 100%. Perhaps it’s because I waited too long before surgery, who knows… Not perfect but at least I am walking and independent and hopefully the ankle is strong. It is a rough start in the morning but maybe it would have been anyway as I am 53 now..

    Keep me posted on the shoes and be careful, you don’t want to roll your ankle!!!


    P.S. I used to go to http://www.bohnsack.com. Not sure if the site is still up but it was great support when I was laid up in a hospital bed in my office on the main floor, feeling especially sorry for myself!

  45. Hi Sunlight…Thanks for the info. I dug out an old pair of sandals yesterday with about a 2″ heel and wore them all day. I was really surprised that I didn’t have much pain, but it’s too soon to tell if this will help my swelling or not.

    My story? I was in our home in FL (we live in Chicago) alone last July 12 and fell down the stairs. I broke my left foot and basically snapped the right leg at the shin, dislocating both the tibia and fibula. Also, when I crashed down I broke the ankle in 3 places, all dislocations. I managed to drag myself back up the stairs and slide across the floor on my back to my cell phone to call EMS. They had to break down the door to get to me. I had one surgery in FL by a quack who only fixed the tibia by inserting a rod. He totally missed all the other breaks. I flew back to Chicago a week later (one of the worst experiences ever) and went into an ortho rehab hospital for an additional 2 weeks. It was during that time that my new surgeon sent me for x-rays and found the other breaks. Off to surgery #2 that walloped me big time. I got an additional rod in the fibula and 8 more screws. I was non-weight bearing for 8 weeks, then moved to a walker, crutches and cane. My scars aren’t pretty, but they don’t particularly bother me. I would, tho, love to have just one pain-free day!


  46. JudyT…. My wedges are about 2″ slingback Sketchers. I was hesitant to try them but glad I did! What a difference!! My break was really bad and it took months after I was weight bearing to walk without limping. Worst experience of my life! I had been nervous about wearing heels again for fear of rolling my ankle (even my good one) so I chose to stay on flats, which has meant barefoot in the house and flip flops in the summer and Ugg boots in the winter (terrified of slipping on ice again) and sneakers here and there. I find my range of motion is really good but my biggest complaint has been the never ending swelling… I still swell if I am on my feet doing a lot of walking but not as bad in the Sketchers! I do think I might be allergic to the nickel in the hardware because my scar is still quite visible and itchy in spots but I am not even considering removing the hardware and going through that awful recovery again, so I use a cortosone cream and just live with it.. If I find another stylish sport shoe, I will post it! What’s your story JudyT?


  47. Hi Sunlight:

    Wow, yours is an amazing post to me. I’m at almost exactly one year (July 12) and have two rods and eight screws (tibia, fibula and ankle). I’ve worn nothing but flat shoes for the past months when I was able to walk again, but still have lots of pain and swelling. Could you please tell me how high your wedges are? I’ve not even considered a heel, but now I’m really curious! Thanks for posting!


  48. I just came across this site while looking for links to recovery times from broken ankle.. I suffered a break in 4 places and dislocation of my left ankle in Dec 2007. I waited 3 weeks before having surgery (my choice) and finally had ORIF (1 plate, 6 screws). My problem is that my new norm includes daily swelling and sporatic pain. And my scar gets very itchy. My dermatologist thinks I am allergic to the hardware! I have been wearing Uggs in the winter and flip flops in the summer, until about a week ago when I experimented with wedgie sandals. I couldn’t believe it but after a few days of wearing them, my swelling went right down, no pain, and my ‘bad’ ankle is almost as good as my good one! What is everyone else’s experience with shoes like, post post post op? This was a real breakthrough for me!

  49. Hi all, well I am new to all this and would love your advice on something. I am a 33 year old female with a dislocation and a weber c trim. fracture in my left ankle- plates and screws both sides. I got a shock today after visiting os who told me healing hadent started yet!! Anyone have similar experiences at this late stage? Thanks c

  50. I broke my ankle on December 22nd, 2008. I broke my Fibula and Tibula falling down 17 steps at home. 1 plate, 5 screws and 2 pins were put into place. I was non-weight bearing for three months, however when I was given the ok to apply some weight the pain was so severe that it took an addition month before I could even put the foot on the ground. Physical Therapy was somewhat helpful, but the next day I was in so much pain, had I not have the will to walk I would say forget about walking. I somehow was experience a tremendous amount of pain and I insisted on having a MRI done, well, the MRI revealed that one of the pin’s was sitting on dead tissue, so each time weight was applied the pain would get worst. In January of 2010 that pin was removed and I went back to 3 months of weight bearing again… the surgery did not help the was i was expecting it to…I had my first Cortisone shot in May which was guided throught the Ultra Sound Department and it’s now June and I am still suffering and the ankle is twice the size….. I need some kind of relief soon…

  51. My husband just got out of surgery today 6-25-2010 second surgery. He broke his ankle by falling on the ice Dec 10 2010. The doc fixed it with a metal plate 8 pins and 2 screws this was his first surgery. We thought everything was fine. After 4 months he was getting alot of pain and swelling. The doc said arthrites was building in the break area. He told him that he will take out the metal and fuse the bones together. When the doc did the operation he told me the plate broke and he never seen anything like it before. I will have to check because I cant beleive the plate broke, maybe it broke off the bone? Well I read alot of people having bone fusions on there ankle and it went well. Alot less pain and this is what he needs. Hopefully he’ll be better in 6 weeks after the cast comes off.

  52. Hello All:

    I went to the doctor on Friday last week and was told that I had had a tri-malleor break and that I would need to be in the boot an additional two weeks. Then I could start to wean off the boot. I went to my first physical therapy appointment and was told not to come back until I was out of the boot. I was so disappointed. I will be able to go back after the 2nd of July. I am still limping quite a lot and my ankle still swells badly. I am not sure if that is more a symptom of the break or of the heat.

    Just wanted to update you all on my progress. Oh, the PT also had me to buy a cane to get used to walking with one, as I will be using one for sometime after weaning out of the boot.

    Laura S.

  53. Hello Theresa:
    I also have the numbness that you speak of. I have had it for a long time from an accident at work. I had a patient break 2 vertebral bodies and the nerves were crushed but not severed to my right leg. You can try using a warm washcloth on the numb spots right before you try to put them under the sheet as this can help or sometimes something like icyhot can help also. Nothing is guaranteed but those two things have helped me in the past.

    The part about being depressed also comes with the territory. Unless you were the most couchy of couch potatoes you are going to be depressed at your lack of ability to join life. Sometimes in even the simplest of ways, like having dinner at the dining or kitchen table. Exercise also promotes happiness and without it, you can get down pretty easy.

    Hope that helped a little,

    Laura S.

  54. After I posted I realize that I didn’t tell you that I have a screw on one side and a plate with 7 screws on the other side.

  55. I am glad I found this site. I broke my right ankle on the 14th of April, plus I fractured my right shoulder at the same time. I still have alot of pain and feel that my husband does not understand, even though he doesn’t say anything. I get so frustrated and depressed. I have numbness on the top of my foot and I can’t get the doctor to tell me why or if that will get better. The numbness and the pain get worse as the day goes on. The numbness gets so sensitive by night time that I can’t even stand the sheet on my foot. By finding this site it does make me feel that there is a “light at the end of the tunnel”. Thanks for listening.

  56. Hi Eric:

    I believe you have the dubious distinction of the most broken bones of anyone who’s posted here. I’m sorry about your accident and that you’re still having so much pain. I’ve not tried prolotherapy, but I’m wondering if accupuncture may work for you? My accident was also almost a year ago, and I’ve not yet had one day pain-free, which I’ve just come to accept. I do know that massage and alternating heat and cold works well for me. I’m just about to start some sessions with a medical massage therapist, as I’ve got a lot of scar tissue that restricts movement, so I’ll keep everyone posted on whether or not that helps.


  57. I am a 50 yr old female. I fell on ice and broke my right ankle on Feb 23, 2009. I had a tri break. Plate and pins in my ankle. I am still having problems standing and walking on my foot. The pain is unbearable sometimes. I was told up to a yr to recup. I would have the plate and pins the rest of my life. My foot looks deformed with the parts in it.

  58. Hello,
    I saw were some of you posted a comment about your ankle. I work for a power company and fell 50 feet off a power utility poll and broke 27 bones and shattered my right ankle. I am concerned about my ankle long term. It has been a year since my accident and I’m getting around pretty good. Just real stiff if I sit awhile or during the winter season. I did not get any metal in my ankle, and have very little movement. Being positive and workout has really help me get through this. Do any of you have any suggestions for a shattered ankle how to help with pain. I take herbs, fish oil, and glucose pills. Has anyone tried prolotherapy?


  59. CATHY ,,,I am glad you found something positive in my post. I was hoping you would … Our similar age and all gives us extra concern fearing we are too old to heal properly. NOT SO. All the best to you. LAURA,,, one of the very reasons this blog is so extremely valuable, is that husbands (mine included) are not always good at understanding why they are suddenly stuck with all this extra work. There were times, when if I could have walked, crutched or driven out of here I would have. About a year after my injury, I overheard my husband talking to his friend, and he said to him that he had been so frightened,,, he figured that was it, I would be in a wheelchair for life. NOT SO.. I am fine.

    But that is really why this blog is so valuable. The people on here DO understand, like no one else will. They will know your frustration, your fear, the two steps forward and one back feelings, your depression (which seems to accompany these breaks) as well as sharing practical advice, physio suggestions and so on. All the best to you too Laura,,, and all the rest of you. Lois

  60. Hi to all that responded to me:

    I appreciate the support and the answers. I will continue to come back every day and let this blog speak to me. I am, as many of you are, still depressed by my lack of healing and the inability to take on the most mundane of daily chores without the support of my wheelchair. I have read your posts and appreciate the candor with which you have spoken. It is comforting to know that I am not alone. Being a nurse is all that I have ever known. I don’t know what I will do if this is a career ending break.
    Laura S

  61. Hi Lois,
    I have a bimalleor fracture with a plate and screws. I fell down stairs while on vacation on 1/20/2010 and had surgery with a plate an screws inserted. I’m 64 years old and so happy to hear from you and that there can be a light at the end of the tunnel. I finished PT last week and my OS suggested a walking program which I have yet to initiate. I don’t have severe pain but do have swelling that increases as the day goes on. I find myself extremely careful walking down steps and placing both feet on a step before proceeding. I feel unusual pressure if I try to walk down normally. I also find that my ankle doesn’t move normally as I try to turn my body without picking up my foot.
    My OS said right at the beginning it could easily be 6 months to a year for full recovery. I can accept that if I can look forward to recovery not just an acceptable level of improvement. Compared to where I was on March 18th when the cast came off and one of the screws was removed and today I feel more confident that one day I’ll actually wake up and not look a my ankle before I place it on the floor.
    Thanks for the positive outlook. To all of you who are suffering through this with a slow and depressing recovery rate I hope that you can find the answers and the help from family and friends that you need. This injury has been the worst experience of my life and I’ll never feel the same when I see someone in a wheelchair, on crutches or in a cast. I’ll always feel for them.
    Thanks again Lois..

  62. I Shattered my right fibula 2 years and 3 months ago, at age 64 by tripping over puppy and falling down stairs. Surgery was required and a stainless steel circular rod and six screws installed. My Orthopedic Surgeon said to expect a full year to recover. Although steady improvement occurred throughout that year, it was actually at the fifteen month post break that the most significant improvement took place. It was at that point that I began to not be so aware of or focussed on protecting that ankle. I could actually at times forget about it. Hello to my old friends, Anklequest and Trac,,, who helped me through many dark days,, by being on this blog… My sympathy to all of you who are new to injury, it is not fun and it is hard work to get your life back,, but I wanted to offer encouragement so that you know that even “old ladies” such as me, (now age 67) do often recover quite nicely, even with all metal left in. A few others, will unfortunately have complications or continued difficulties. I would encourage you all to stay on this blog and to talk out your suggestions, your frustrations, your fears with the others on this blog. I found this site invaluable and I think you will as well… All the very very best to each of you. Lois

  63. Hey Laura,
    We have a bunch in common!! My trimal fracture was in Dec 2009. I am still not back to work. I am also a RN and I work in PICU 12 hours. Cannot be up on my leg for more than 1 1/2-2 hours without stabbing pains, my hubby is not so supportive either (even though he’s been off 6 1/2 years with a pancreatic illness and diabetes which he just ignores!) He just will say “aren’t you going back to work? We’re getting behind on the bills (which I do the budget)and he’s worried about insurance when I’m on LTD! and then he says…the bones are healed so why do you have pain?? I guess it’s tendons. My foot sits at 2 pm all the time (it’s my right foot!!) becasue of a problem with my posterior tibial tendon (on medial ankle). I cannot walk without a huge limp, have horrible pain with every step! Now my foot looks flat, I cannot go up on my tiptoes on my operative foot and I’m beginning to develop lateral pain as well as anterior ankle pain. Dr gave me exercises to do and it’s gotten worse. I see him on Friday. I always thought you rested tendons, but who am I, right?? He said that it may require surgery but we’ll see. he said I should move my foot inward (like a windshield wiper) to strengthen it. He said “it’ll either get better or it’ll get worse” Of course it got worse. I am depressed and discouraged with my progress and now am getting into Long Term Disability which has me worried!!!! I know I cannot do my job right now. I go to wal-mart and i make it around the store stopping every so often for shooting pains and then by the time I get home, I HAVE to sit down and my ankle is HUGE!! UGH! I’m hoping for something on Friday. I wish there was a sit down job for me to do but nobody is hiring!! Feel free to email me if you want. Just let me know and I’ll get you my address. The hubby may not listen but I will!!Hang in there!!

  64. Hi All:

    (58, fractured left 5th metatarcil, fractured right tibia, fibula (2) and ankle (3), all with dislocations, 7/12/09, two surgeries)

    My heart really goes out to everyone, especially our new posters. At eleven months out now, I still have some swelling and plenty of pain and stiffness. I’m back to doing most of my regular activities, but I would guess I’m only about 75% normal so far. This is a very long journey we’re on and sometimes the best medicine is patience and a positive attitude. Some days, though, if someone said that to me I’d for sure want to slap them! 🙂

    Icing my ankle still really helps, but I still have never yet had a pain-free day. I also get sharp jabs, as others have said, but they go away pretty quickly. The odd thing I notice is that I may be walking pretty normally, but then I sit down and when I get up, it’s back to square one with increased pain and a bad limp. I do think I’m making progress, though, but I see it from month to month instead of week to week. Very discouraging.

    Laura–I’m a little concerned about your crooked heel and the fact that your foot isn’t straight, but I’m sure your OS will keep a close eye on your x-rays. I’m also sorry that your husband doesn’t quite understand; however, it may be his way of freaking out that you’re in pain and there’s nothing he can do to help you. It may be true that his ankle healed very quickly but, cripes, he was 16 and that age is a distant memory for most of us! Just keep your chin up and know that everyone here understands. Back when I was in the boot, I took it off at night as soon as I could. I hated that contraption almost as much as the plaster cast!

    Keep hanging in there, everyone!


  65. Laura,
    I have to laugh at the 2-3 weeks. No way with 3 broken bones. Not even an office job. It sounds like you have a very very serious situation, especially with a broken talus. It could take a long time, as you are already finding out. Further, it is possible that you can not be on your feet on a regular all day basis ever again without problems. Time will tell. There are broken ankles of the easy kind that require a simple cast and heal quickly..(lucky, lucky,lucky) and there are the complex breaks which have a long term effect…. Your husband has to start cleaning the house if he hasn’t yet.

    You also describe a common scenario with regard to pain. I would check with the doc to see if there is something you can take with a better effect.

    All the best to everyone!!!


  66. After I posted, I remembered some really important details. My left foot (the broken one) rests at 10am position and when I am seated the ankle is turned out so that my heal is not flat on the floor. I have burning pain along the outside of the ankle and can still feel where the break was. I also have the aching pain under the outside of the distal side of the fibula. The inner ankle is also aching pain below the proximal malleolous.
    thanks, Laura

  67. Hi all:
    broke both tibia and fibula as well as talus on 3-9-10 from a fall. Don’t know where on the bone but I will find out when I see my Ortho next week.

    I have just found this web site and am very glad I did. I have been feeling very alone and misunderstood at home. My husband broke an ankle when he was 16 and had it casted and he went on his way. I have not been so fortunate. I feel I have a lot in common with a lot of your posts except I never had surgery.

    I went to the er right away but they told me that all I had was a spiral fracture of the fibula and they put it into a splint. The splint did not hold the bone and I was in excruciating pain for the next 2 weeks until I could see an orthopedic surgeon. He then told me that I not only had broken the fibula but also the tibia and talus. They casted me for the next 5 weeks.

    When I returned to the doctor, I was told that I could get out of the cast and they put me in the boot. I returned to the doctor in 4 weeks and they told me that I was not healing and that I would have to be in the boot for at least another 6 weeks. I have an appointment next week the 18th of June to rexray and check my progress. I, too, had bone that was not hard. My soft bone comes from primary hyperparathyroidism. They will have to do surgery to fix it and then my body may allow my bones to absorb what is needed to fill in the fractures.

    I have had the pain that all of you have been talking about. It seems like it should be gone by now, but it isn’t and I am not sure what to do about it. My foot still swells and if I have it done for any length of time, say over 2-3 hours, it becomes painful and throbs out of control. I take ibuprofen and tylenol for it on a regular basis but that only lasts so long. Most mornings it hurts before I get out of bed and hurts till I go to sleep at night. After I take the boot off to sleep, it just aches and aches. Do you sleep in your boots or take them off to sleep?

    How do I get my husband to respect me even if I am not performing the way he wants me to. I am not working as I am a nurse and could not work on my feet for the shifts it would require to be a nurse. He asked me this morning, “what if you had had an office job?” I told him that I would have been off for at least the first 2-3 weeks. Was I right or would I have gone back to work right away after my cast was put on?

    Thank you for the time you have spent reading this and any insight that you can send my way. I will check back often to see what you have to say.

    Thanks, Laura

  68. Hi Diane……..I exp. my tri-mal break with surgery approx. 9 yrs. ago and was informed by my ortho. ped. surgeon this was a “career ending” fracture. Well, no words were ever so true. 9 years later I have my good days and my bad days. When ever the weather gets cloudy and it rains or, whenever it’s really cold…I really can not do anything but elevate my foot and have my daughter attend to me. I agree extra pounds only makes the pain worse…if that’s possible. On my good days, I really try to do stretches as I do not want atrophy to sit in. I already have RSD (reflex sympathetic dystrophy) in that ankle and arthritis. I am 43 years of age and a business owner which really requires me to be up on my feet at least 5-6 hrs. per day. Prior to my break, I also worked in the health-care field. Twelve-hour shifts….well, it might be feasible if you can sit every 30min.-1hr. The lifting of patients will only ADD weight to that ankle and you will feel it (pain). You’ll have good days as well as bad ones Diane as this is a life-altering injury. Take it one day at a time! Sincerely, Sylvia

  69. Hey, here for the first time. Trimal fracture disloc 12-1-2009. 6 months out and still with tremendous pain with walking. Sharp burning and I get these “shocking” quick pains that will shoot with weight bearing so I have to stand there until it goes away and try again. Dr says it’s tendonitis.Started on inside of ankle under bone and now it’s affecting the outer side and also the front where my ankle joins my foot. My foot turns out and I can’t put my heel flat when I sit and I can’t go up on my toes on my bad foot anymore. Supposed to go back to work Sun but I am a RN in an ICU 12 hour shifts and I can’t even walk longer than 1/2 hour-1 hour without having to sit and rest. Dr says xray looks great, bones are good, he said I will keep my hardware till I die, but these tendons are getting me down. PT is done but I have exercises at home and at YMCA but tendons seem to get worse and worse the more I do. He said to work hard and keep moving but it seems that I’m actually worse!!! Guess I’ll go back and see Dr but he kinda acts “dissappointed” that I’m not better, but I need him to write me off work longer because ther is no way I can be on my feet 12 hours and move beds, patients and run for medications. just really frustrated and tired of the pain but I’m seeing that I’m not alone. being overweight doesn’t help but Dr said that tendons will either heal or get worse and may require surgery. UGH. Just tired of letting everyone down because of my slow recovery. Maybe I’m just a baby about this?? I’m worried about money, insurance and never getting better!! UGH!!!

  70. i am 14 years old i got fraktured to my left ankle i got operation last may 28 they put plate and screw in my ankle all need to know if need to take out the plate after 1 year or just leave it there because if i ask them to remove it they well operate me again

  71. Hi everyone!

    Well I fell on the ice and fractured and dislocated my right ankle on the 3rd of Jan 2010. I had one long screw removed after 6 weeks. Its now almost 6 months since my fall and all is going reasonably well. i am walking without any aid although i do still have a limp. I still get quite a lot of pain however, and my ankle and foot swells up pretty badly from time to time.

    I managed ok at the gym, but found the stairs getting out of the gym a bit of a challenge to say the least!! I am back at work and it feels good to get back into a normal routine after 6 weeks of lying with my feet up!

    I have an appointment with my doctor this week to discuss my pain and the possibility of removing the hardware as i am sure that is whats causing my pain! shall keep you guys posted how that goes!

    hope everybody is well, it takes soooo long to get back to normal after this kind of injury just keep your spirits up and work hard to build up the power in your muscles and joints!!

    lots of love

    Lorna xxx

  72. i broke my ankle febuary 14, 2010 in three spots prior to that i broke my leg tibula and fibula so i have one rod and 8 screws its almost four months im still on crutches my foot hurts and my doctor refuses to give me more pain pills i was wondering will i walk right away after my last doctors visit it hurts so bad and i have a wedding to go to will i live a normal life ever again i just turned 35

  73. folks… factoring in exact nature of injury, the outcome of surgery and the tolerance level for pain that we have… It seems there are no clear answers and the outcomes are pretty much individualized. We need to do our best to exercise and strengthen the muscles and bones around injured areas to protect us from instability injuries later. As for the pain, all I know is mine does not go away and it has changed my life. Pain has a way of changing your personality to a degree for certain. I realize we cannot live on vicodin but ibuprofin doesn’t help much alone. Hardware…what’s the deal. Some say leave it others say take it out…when you remove it are you susceptible to an instability injury or are you better off without it’s constant irritation to the tissue. I would like someone to break that one down for me. I broke tibia in 8 places and broke ankle as well. I have my share of metal there. So please someone explain the benefits of hardware removal. My doc said keep it. so please share 🙂

  74. (Anthea here – 41 yr old female. Tri Mall fracture right ankle on 20/1/10 – ORIF surgery same day – screws and plate on right, screw on left – longer screw removed 22/3/2010.)

    Hi there Dee – and everyone else. Haven’t been on here for a while but just wanted to pop in to say hi and let you know that I am doing much better BUT still have ups and downs!

    At my PT appointment last week she says she only wants to see me in 2 weeks time! Yay, but have to keep up with my exercises – I find if I am slack and don’t do them for a day then I start to feel stiffness and soreness in my ankle. She put my on the treadmill last week and made me run for a few minutes!! – you can imagine the names I was calling her in my head – gosh it hurt BUT funnily enough the next day it wasn’t any worse than normal. I am gaining movement and flexibility – changes can be measured in weeks now rather than days but I can see light at the end of the tunnel. So all of you who have just had your injury and are feeling helpless – it does get better – I didn’t think it ever would – but it does!

    I am worse on frosty,cold, wet days and am still massaging my ankle and using the wheat pack in the evening after work. It still swells and yes, still goes a different colour to my other ankle … weird. I went to work in my flat, winter boots on Friday – first day I have not gone to work in my trainers – I made it through the day – yahoo – but both feet were sore – they have become used to the comfort of those trainers!!! My physio says I have lots of scar tissue and this will account for some of the movement I am lacking in the joint – she rubs it at our sessions – it burns like billy o – brings tears to my eyes but it needs to be softened down.

    Dee – I had one of the screws out in March – general anaesthetic – wasn’t a biggie. Surgeon will see me again in September to talk about having the rest out as I am having a few problems. Very sensitive around the plate area – if anything unexpected brushes against it I go through hell. Was vacuuming the other day and the tube brushed on my ankle – eee! So will just see what happens. I have spoken to a few ‘older’ people who have had plates etc and they are all sorry they never had theirs out.

    So there we are my friends – still on the long road but getting there for sure.

    Take care 🙂

  75. Hello, my name is trac and I usually post to the other site. I am 3 years out from my accident, I broke and dislocated both (right was compound), and I have had all my hardware removed, except from my arm and wrist. It was not all that painful, and I’m far stronger. I do not have pain. Good luck to you – trac

  76. hi im a 17 year old girl and i broke my ankle just after christmas last year while i was rock climbing. i hadn’t not eaten properly for months i had really low bone density (i did not know this at the time) and managed to do a really good job of braking it it. i didnt fall partially far but i still managed to dislocate and completely brake my talus in half. i was taken to a london hospital to have a whole load of metal put in it and after a week or so in hospital i was sent home saying 6 weeks non weight baring then start adding weight a bit. unfortunately it is now 5 months on and i can not put any weight on at all as the first operation went wrong. my next one is next week :/ i have been told that i probably wont walk for a few more months after the opp as i have been in a wheelchair and cruches for ages. i cant weight to walk ( my friends think its the strange thing to wish for but you dont understand till its taken away do u). unfortunately i was a semi-professional ballet dancer which i know and have been told i will not be able to do again. eating disorders are so dangerous and it is important you respect your body so that something like this dosnt happen. to late now just some advise to others with the same problems as me i was really happy to find this website as i do not know any one else in my situation. i really hope the doctors get it right this time lol and 6 weeks dosnt turn into 6 months again. never mind keep going everyone it can only get better!

    WELL its being quite a while since i have heard from anyone ach time i check there is nothing and work has me pinned these days,i really said to myself last week this site is slowing down no one really on as first when i discovered & i felt sad like my main support was pulling away,

    so to all those i have exchanged with before JUDYT MARINA ANT PETRA LAURA many more and you new guys whats up? Today is my next app with my os he may operate i was told to take out what he says is the syndesmosis screw,hoping all goes well im walking but still with glitches,still cant go down stairs one two with both legs if you get me,this due to the fact that my injured ankle still cant bend much ,it still has not regain its full flexion wont go up as high as the other & when standing my heel is still a slight bit off ground level,PLEASE DOES ANYONE STILL HAVE THIS ISSUE,HOW DO YOU ALL GO UP &DOWN STAIRS IS IT THE NORMAL WAY BEFORE YOURE INJURY?somebody please post back and give me some details as to youre progress how is it with the hardware in.I still havent heard from anyone who habe removed their hardware would love to is the flexibity better.THIS THING IS REALLY FRUSTRATING ME my lifestyle is completely off,im walking &people are like why are you walking like that even those who know me &know of my injury and for those who dont i will tell but to stop & explain every 2 min to someone is ticking me off now any how i have faith sooooo im like heading off now to my doc will update you all.

  78. I read all the stories, and I can’t believe it’s not just me. It’s really hard I am 33 years old with 2 growing boys 13 and 5. Both play sports, and I love coaching. I never imagined myself silently wishing it would rain because I couldn’t stand the pain to coach on certain days. I get a lot of people thinking I limp when I remember, how do you explain to people there are moments when everything is somewhat OK, and moments when the pain is so bad you want to cry? It’s been over 7 years and since that crazy day of the accident, I have never been the same. I have also gained weight and wish I could do more to lose it. The thought of running and excercising sounds wonderful until after the shower and sitting down, when everything seems to get stuck and the pain kicks in. I have posted before about fusing it, but again I ask, has anyone undergone a fusion? I am really scared, but at the same time, I heard that the pain goes away. Maybe that’s a plus, I just would really love to hear from someone who has had one and if the pain is truly gone. I’m in pain everyday and the thought of no pain would be a miracle.

  79. Hi All,
    I’m Cathy. I’m 64 years old and have a bimaleor fracture from a fall on 1/20/10. I had surgery the same day with screws and a plate in my left ankle. One screw was removed on 3/18/10.
    I can’t believe it’s been 5 months since my fall and it has taken over my life everything I do depends on how my foot feels and how far I’ll have to walk. Since the beginning of PT one week after the screw was removed I know I’ve made progress from a walker to a cane and now on my own but the slow pace of recovery and the fear that I’ll always be reminded of how much less I can do is disturbing.I too like to travel and my husband and I have a Mediterraean cruise planned for September. I have to make a decision soon whether or not to go. i don’t want to go if I can’t see all the sights along the way but I hate to miss the opportunity.
    For those of you earlier in the healing progress time and PT does help. Every day I wake up to a little less swelling and sensitivity. I’m hoping one day to wake up and not think about my ankle before it hits the floor. The PT said my range ofmotion was good …encouraging. As for taking out the hardware my OS said he’d prefer to leave it in unless it bothers me….a decision for later.

  80. Hi Marina

    (Anthea here – 41 yr old female. Tri Mall fracture right ankle on 20/1/10 – ORIF surgery same day – screws and plate on right, screw on left – longer screw removed 22/3/2010.)

    I am so glad to see you are back! Have been worried about you. You have been such an inspiration to me and lots of others on these sites – so I am sad to hear that you are a bit down. But that seems to be the thing with our injuries – ups and downs! But be strong!

    I am off my crutches now but also feel I’m not progressing as well as I should. I had to take a running step on my foot just today (crossing the road) and wow, thought I would faint!! So it’s made me realise that I won’t be ‘running’ again any time soon – 15 weeks it’s been! I am also having pain and swellling on either side of the ankle – pulling, stinging – sometimes all the time, sometimes not at all – sometimes when I walk, sometimes not!!! Very frustrating and then trying to explain it to the PT!! She says I am doing fine – so have to believe her!

    Grrr – I am back at work full time hours now and it’s fine at the time but when I get home I just sag! But I am trying to stay positive and know that it will take time! I’m also getting tired of people asking about it – but know that they mean well!

    My outer side of the ankle is very sensitive to touch and if anything rubs on it unexpectedly I just about go through the roof – he says when he sees me in September he will have a look and we can chat about having the hardware out – pros and cons etc. But not sure I will be ready for more surgery!

    Take care then and welcome back Marina!

    Take care everyone. My OS

  81. Hi, Donna

    Marina here, 58 yr old female, right tri-malleor fracture and dislocation on Oct 7, 2009; ORIF surgery on Oct 22, 2009.

    Wow..the post you wrote could have been posted by me except slightly different injuries!

    On one hand I feel so fortunate that I can walk, but on the other hand, I get down on myself because I can’t walk very well, very fast, or without pain.

    My last visit to my OS was last week and I asked him about having hardware out. He would take it out if I wanted him too, but because of screw holes in the bone, my ankle bones would then be weaker….which would make future fractures easier.

    I’m nervous enough walking on uneven ground, and I don’t want to be scared to death of walking for fear of twisting or fracturing again.

    Wear the plate and screws on the outside are I get a stinging pain…bearable but irritating. When walking too much, I get sharp pain on the inside wear the long pin is. Also when walking too much (or even standing) my ankle swells considerably and my foot begins to hurt/ache in the tendons all around the foot and on the bottom like yours. It’s that hurt that sometimes makes it hard too walk if I’ve been up too much. Also the tendons where it dislocated on top of ankle begin to hurt. I also had complications from a 5cm x 5cm pressure ulcer right on top of the bony part of the foot. Although the top of my foot is numb, I constantly have a burning sensation with stabbing pains thru the top of my foot.

    I had a job with an airline and probably walked/ran/jogged 5 miles a day performing my duties up and down a jetway boarding passengers and up and down the steep metal steps of the jetway carrying strollers, bags, and wheelchairs. Now, the thought of walking thru the airport is overwhelming. Although I’ve done it because I’ve traveled to see family, I’m very slow and get exhausted easily. After being up for 15 minutes, my back aches and I need to sit down. I try to force myself to walk around the block at least once a day, but even that seems like a lot now. I too have gained 20 pounds and increased my dress size up 2! Sometimes I’m more depressed about that! I was never thin but at least I was fit at size 12. Now I’m size 16 and feel sloppy and fat.

    My OS is sending me to a new therapist for work hardening therapy so determine if I’ll be able to ever return to my previous job. He also referred me to a pain institute to address my aches and pains.

    I was fortunate to have 6 months of sick leave built up and have used that and am now drawing disability thru my insurance from employer. They are also taking care of filing Social Security disability for me. That is a long drawn process which just got started last month.

    This injury has not only affected my ankle/foot, but knees, hip, elbow (from using cane), back and neck. It’s amazing how walking unsteady and with an uneven gait can throw every part of your body off. Not just the body but all the emotions as well.

    Walking was my pasttime and was enjoyable. We love to travel and walking to explore was the fun part. We recently flew to San Diego for the day…the first “fun’ trip (meaning not visiting kids and grandkids!) but I didn’t even want to get out to walk the pier or along the tidal pools like we usually do. Walking thru two airports already had me physically and mentally exhausted. Sometimes I feel I should be enjoying my senior years, but I feel I’m pulling my spouse down with me.

    Well, I’ve depressed enough people! I don’t know how many feel like Donna and I do. And I don’t mean to sound all gloom and doom. I try to keep that smile on around others and say “Getting better every week! when asked how I’m doing. Just wish I didn’t walk at a snail’s pace.

    I’m babysitting my son’s two children for a few days while he and his wife take a short cruise. That cute little 26 month old knows Grandma can’t run and will keep running from me! Needless to say, we aren’t going outside to play much!


  82. Wow, what a wonderful find this site is. A couple years ago I slipped on ice and suffered a bimalleolar tib-fib fracture. I have a plate and screws. After months of discomfort and altered lifestyle habits because of ankle and foot pain (which helped aide a 20 pound weight gain!), I decided to finally make an appt. with my orthopedic surgeon to talk about having my hardware taken out. I am so incredibly frustrated by my ankle. I’ve already gone to a podiatrist about my foot pain. He recommended buying inserts, which I did, but they really don’t help. The bottom and sides of my foot ache or hurt. Sometimes I get a sharp stabbing, ice-pick type of pain where my screws are in the ankle. One day I literally had to hop-skip to get around–couldn’t bear much weight at all on my affected leg. I mowed my lawn yesterday and afterwards my foot was so sore, and I didn’t feel like going for a walk with my family later that night. When we do go for walks I can’t walk as fast as I used to–definitely not fast enough to get my heart rate really going. I used to like to walk..now I despise it. I used to be able to walk for a couple of miles no problem. Now after a few blocks I want to go back home and the whole time I am walking I’m aware of the discomfort and what’s the fun in that?! Sometimes I think my husband thinks I’m being a wussy as he makes exasperated sounds when I say I’ll pass on a walk because my foot is tired. Hopefully having the hardware taken out will help…

  83. l had surgery in 08/2008 after a fall on a slippery floor,l had plate and screws almost two years now,the leg still swells up and on bad days l cant go to work.
    l have been taking diclofenic tablets to help me with the swelling,although l cant wear my killer heels anymore lm grateful l can still walk,in my own opinion the doctors do try to deliver a good job and talking of toal healing we need to remember our bodies weight is playing a part on the ankle.
    Recently l was in so much pain l had to go into hospital ,l had an xray and nothing apart from the swelling was found by the xray ,l was considering having the metal work taken out and my question to anyone who has had this done is,does it make the pain or swelling any better,thank you everyone

  84. I remember those shots as well, I had them during the week stay at the hospital and a nurse came to show my family how to inject them everyday when I was home. I don’t know if it hurt so much because you couldn’t rub the liquid afterwards or the shot itself.

    I’ve had 2 surgeries, one to repair the damage about 7 years ago and the second to remove the hardware about 3 years ago and to do some housekeeping.

    I have severe arthritis and no cartilage left, several osteophytes, cysts, etc. I was advised to fuse it. Is there anyone who has had a fusion. I am really scared, please let me know if there is light at the end of the tunnel.

  85. Hi Bobsley:

    Sorry to hear you’ve had such a hard time, and I hope you heal quickly after getting your hardware removed. I’m at 10 months now, after falling down the stairs and breaking my left foot and right tibia, fibula (2) and three fractures in the right ankle. I have two rods, two plates and eight screws. After surgery, I spent one week in the hospital and 2.5 weeks in a rehabilitation center where they taught me how to take care of myself from a wheelchair. For the whole time I was in both places, I received Heparin injections in my stomach twice a day, and they were super painful. I dreaded them the whole time. Honestly, that first month was such a dark nightmare that I’ve really not allowed myself to think about it much, which is why I didn’t post about it earlier. Like you, my leg was totally dislocated. While on my back, my toes were at 3 o’clock when they should’ve been at 12, and the most painful thing I remember was three doctors putting it back into place before splinting it before surgery. I actually apologized to the emergency room nurse for making so much noise when they did it, and she looked at me with an astonished look. Turned out that I was silent and the scream was only inside of my head. Ouch.

    My ortho has said I’ll keep all of my hardware in, and I’m glad after reading your story. I don’t think I could mentally handle a third surgery and a return to the pain.


  86. Hello! I usally post to the other site. I was a double anklebreaker, plus every bone in my right leg. And because of it, I took shots of heparin to prevent clots. I took them for 8 months, and at the beginning of this year, I took them again for a couple of months, as I’m not walking. So, yes, I try to be very cognizent of potential clots. I didn’t think they were too bad, except my bruising is just starting to fade.
    Good Luck to everyone!

  87. Without a doubt foot injuries are common, especially where I live overseas in close proximity to many European ski resorts. Yes, the mountains bring on euphoria but not so much after one breaks the hinge joint that connects the distal ends of the tibia and fibula in the lower limb with the proximal end of the talus bone in the foot broken as well. Here, because the emergency team was called, and my left foot was sitting at the 10 o’clock mark, they immediately had me in surgery, and out with 9 screws and pins, and one plate. This happening last October 09 now, almost 7 months later they automatically ask to pull out the hardware. I thought it was to happen in an ‘out patient’ scenario, but rather the hospital booked me in, me naiively thinking one day; boy was I wrong. After they removed the hardware – which they reopened all my old scars, and out came all that titanium, even then I had two more days recovering in the hospital (by the way, I asked to recover the hardware to take home, which I have for a reminder) At present, it’s been close to two weeks since I’ve had that surgery, and it was just yesterday, the second round of stitches were removed. My foot, just before the stitches were removed was incredibly swollen due to a production play I went to the day before I was to meet up with the Ortho. It played havoc on the amount of pain I felt during the stitch removal. The ortho mentioned, and I will pass this on to any one who is going in to remove the hardware – keep your feet up as long as you can before the surgery and even after until they remove the stitches. I found out the hard way, just sitting for 3 hours during this production, messed up my blood ciruclation, and can be very dangerous, even when taking the Thrombosis injections. And that’s something there.. no one in any of these mails mentioned having to inject themselves with Thrombis needles into the belly? Even now, because I’m still pampering the newly removed stitched ankle, they advise me to continue bruising my belly by injecting daily. This is not a pain killer thing, it is for your circulation when we are idea and it, over here, is advised seriously, like, life or death. Even when a person is inactive and jumps on a 12 hour flight to Europe, doctors are suppose to recommend this Thrombosis injection. I’m surprised I’ve heard nothing back about it from that side of the pond.

  88. Very interesting post thanks for sharing I have added your website to my favorites and will check back 🙂 By the way this is a little off subject but I really like your sites layout.

  89. a dislocated my right ankle and shaterd the socket in october 2009 and had 3 pins and 6 skrews and a plate inserted and the pain and swelling some days is worse than when a done it my doctor has put me on tramadol and solpadol and they just dont take the pain away any sugestions on pain killers thanks

  90. Hello everyone.
    I broke my fibula and tibia and metatarsal to big toe Dec 28/10.
    It has been a slow process. Started walking with a cane March 1st and went back to work for 4 hrs a day modified. Don’t walk too much mostly paperwork, but after 3 hrs the pain is there and I have to take a Percocet.
    I’m still having a big problem with not being able to bend my ankle. I can’t go down stairs properly and have to do one step at a time. I cannot put my injured foot first. Something pulls at the upper back of my leg and calf and won’t let me move the leg properly can’t bend the knee.
    Of course the more the ankle swells the more it hurts. The swelling at the back of my heel is the worst. My Physiotherapist is now telling me that it’s all psychological and I should be able to walk normally by now without the cane. I should also mention that they did a MRI to my back and I have 2 bulging disks, 1 at lumbar and 1 at sacral with a small tear which wasn’t explained when I asked what the small tear was just assured not to worry.
    Next week I have to start working 6 hrs a day for 2 weeks and then return to normal duty as the orthro who did surgery said I do not have to see him anymore I’ll be fine. On Mar 1st he said OK stop wearing the air cast and start walking. I had to request physio.
    I can weight bear on my injured leg standing, but I have discovered with some new exercises that I have no strength at all with my injured leg to raise my foot and stand on my tiptoes. Also I can’t feel the TENS when physio applies it to my ankle.
    It’s a slow process and I’m 58 so I think with age it takes longer to get back to regular walking.
    Retirement might be just around the corner.




    SO marina let me shed some light on myself i am dee as you already know ,dee 24yrs old dislocated and broken right ankle ,broken tibia &fibia in all numerous breaks said my doc .I can remember him sayin one bone was broken up in 2-3 pieces the bone to the inside of my ankle the smaller one i think. oh my injury is going 6 months now ,happened last october20,did surgery approx 2weeks later(oct31) thus i now own two plates and nine screws.

    im still having a lot of siffness and disomfort in walking why when i sit if it is even for a minute when im to get up its so hard it stiffens up again and it is as if i can feel the screws to the inside section moving ,really gives me a headache,THEY REALLY HURT IN THE EARLY MORNINGSI GET UP IN PAIN EACH MORNING GRRRRR REALY HARD!! but i must SAY im growing mentally stronger each day. i still cant believe that i have lost so much flexibility and is still amazed at how slow the process is its as if it is not regaining any motion i tell myself though that it is but just so amall it is barely visible but geez full time something becomes visible,so for my comfort hey all do you still have the problem of youre joint not bending as far bak or raising as high as the other,i cant stoop or go down stairs one two as i used to as yet still putting injured footdown first then right foot beside so basically going using one foot if you get what i mean,MARINA I HAVE BEEN DOING THAT CHAIR EXERCISE WONT GIVE UP WILL GET THIS THING BACK TO NORMAL NO MATTER WHAT.

    HEY LAURA you really inspire me i didnt know rmoval could be done this quickly my doc speaks as if no matter wht you have to keep them in for 2 years or even for life but your inspiration have drive me to become an advocate in my own care im only 24 and really want to get thm out so now i will be pushing for that.
    i can sometimes feel my screws as well as long as my swelling is down .i also went to the gym tuesday and wednesday tried the treadmil and some other exercises felt good but sore afterwards,will be going back more regularly,but i must that the expenses this ankle injury is incurring is really going through the roof and is about to make go halo crazzzzy,

    any ways im thanking the good lord im really blessed nonetheless and he has truly kept me healty and provided a way out each time,thanking him is now my strenght.im from jamaica i dont know if ITS a case where it is not available here but was never told of a nerve test,or all those scans to see if im really healed just the usually x rays but i will check them out some how and see if all the necessaries can be done to ensure all is ready very soon for removal.THEY ARE LIKE POKING ME.

    trust me i had no idea it would be this hard and yes marina being young is a plus but when you are my age you fell robbed as the world and everone is moving ahead,when everyone around is busy palnnin for their family ,having fun ,going to school,getting their degree done as all my co workers are off to their classes now im & sometimes also on the edge at work everyone upgrading their qualification and im on such a big pause,well all will be wellfor me somehow i just know.
    wish we could exchange photos so we could view each other and have a peek at each injured ankle ,xrays and such if there is a way let me know would like to see if there is any xray similar to mine.ALSO IS there anyone out there who have removed the hardware and have had better flexibility and motion after let me know please!!!!
    my post are always so lenghty have you noticed think im still a bit stressed,anyway im trying to figure out what to do for my weeked apart from taking care of my ankle execises some stress release something something you kow what i mean ,what do you all do just to breathe easy and forget at times
    awaiting youre ideas.

    take care all stay strong.

  92. (58 yr old female)

    I broke my ankle two years ago and had 9 pins and a plate. I had the hardware removed last year and am extremely pleased with the result. I went back on the clutches for a week. I am happy to have gotten rid of the metal. My foot is still in the process of healing, ie, I can feel the muscles and bones trying to “reconnect”. It’s a good feeling. It also may save me from rheumatism caused by the metal.


  93. (Anthea here – 41 yr old female. Tri Mall fracture right ankle on 20/1/10 – ORIF surgery same day – screws and plate on right, screw on left – longer screw removed 22/3/2010.)

    Laura thanks for your post re removal of the hardware – very interesting. Please could you let us know how it all goes – your recovery time from the surgery etc.
    Becky I can feel at least one screw when I touch my ankle. I am also becoming aware of the plate being “there”. I think that as everything else subsides and the swelling reduces I am feeling it more.

  94. Becky,

    I can see my screws through the skin too. When I touch them they actually hurt. It has been about 9 months since surgery and recovery. I am having all the hardware removed at the end of April. At this time I have a plate and 8 screws. It has been an interesting experience to say the least. All I can say is that I am tired of pain and discomfort. I can’t wait to have all this removed and get back to normal.

    I know that there are those that have said they have not discussed the possibility of removal. I can say that it has to be completely healed. I had a CT scan to ensure that I had no other fractures. I have also had a nerve study done as well to make sure that this was not cause the pain that I had. So, you have to go through quite a bit before you take it out. I can tell you from the many people that I have spoken to, they don’t have all the issues of pain, swelling, and limited movement after they have it removed. Don’t be afraid to ask and don’t think that that is not an option. I don’t care how old you are. You were not born with that metal. Think about it, my body is essentially rejecting it. My shin is so sensitive, I have pain all the time, my ankle is deformed by the hardware, and its sensitive if it gets hit on anything because there is no fat to protect it from being hit.

    Just some thoughts.


  95. 56 female fell 2/20/10 2/25/10 surgery plate 7 screws inside 2 long screws dislocation 2 times

    I was wondering if anyone else can see screws threw their skin? The side with the plate you can feel and see the top of one screw. I have an air cast so when sitting I can remove it and do ankle exercises. I start PT in the morning. NWB until April 28th. I am so ready to start moving again. I got a phone call today and an 85 year old man broke 2 bones in his ankle falling off a porch. He is here in Spokane waiting for surgery. Poor Guy

  96. Hi, Dee,

    (Marina here, 58, female, rt tri-malleolar fracture with dislocation; ORIF 10-22-09; non-wt bearing 8 weeks)

    Sorry to hear that this seems to be a “down” day for you. I know we all experience it. I had such an active job with the airline and just to think about going back in those crowds, hurrying, running up and down jetways and the jet stairs is a little mind boggling for me right now too.

    I haven’t done any research on hardward removal. My OS (who I don’t like–the one who said after 8 weeks of NW bearing to “take the boot off and walk. bones are healed!)…anyway he off-handedly mentioned at one of the first visits that if the hardware gives me trouble, he can remove it. I’ve learned questions to ask from all these posts (included randomness of Christi-2yrs later and squidoo.com).

    From what everyone has been saying, your age is certainly a plus. There are so many posts and if someone doesn’t identify him/herself as I did in the heading of my post, then I can’t remember what your injuries are. Again, it may not matter, because you are thiry-four years younger than me (Oh, my, I sound old!) The only hardware that bothers me is the long screw on the inside of my ankle. The outside plate and screws burn and sort of itch some times, but don’t really ‘hurt’.

    I’m attempting now to start taking off that lousy 15 pounds I’ve gained and have been doing that by just portion control and stop eating every snack in sight! Also getting a fabulous workout at our city’s indoor pool that has my muscles sore (the good kind) and is much easier on my ankle. I also am making myself walk around the block at least once a day. I used to be able to walk 5 miles no problem, now I congratulate myself on the block!! The top of my foot is still numb and foot still turns purple and swells but pressure ulcer is slowly healing.

    I think if I was as young as you, I would probably be a lot more discouraged than I am. I’ve had my children so don’t have any little ones to run after. I’m not planning on any marathons at my age. But I still would like to be able to keep up with my husband! I’ve never ever been a ‘stroller’ type of walker. I’ve always been a bit hyper, so the most discouraging thing for me was the feeling of my life being in slow motion. But again, I’m grateful to be walking.

    Hang in there. I don’t know how long it’s been for you, but each week will be better.

  97. HI PETRA

    thanks much for your research,yes i understand the logics where a fair enough waiting period is necessary before the removal of any hardware,however i get to understand that care must be taken for it to be done at an oppurtune time as if it stays too long as well it is harder and more difficult because then they may be all the way embedded in bones.
    well im only 24yrs old so i think i may be a bit safe on the age factor what do you think? been 24 i really dont think it necessary and really dont want to live the rest of my life with them in and at least that much,i have 2 plates & 9 screws.WELL GETTING AROUND FOR ME IS NO SUGAR CANDY ,i pretty much still have a lot of discomfort cant be ungratefull though i have come a long way even though it is still so hard there were days when i couldnt move any at all,still at times it does get the best of me,the pain the stiffness and it is as if the screws to the inside section of my akle are rubbing against some bones and flesh each time i try to move ,still limping.
    hey all not that i am or planning to right now i would be crazy but i was having a discussion with some co workers, so with pregnancy would it be best before removing screws or after removing screws ,i was told by my psio not to gain weight because it would increase chances of severe arithis ,so could getting pregnant cause such i do think so,but i do believe this will pass and for all other young people with similar we can all overcome have a family and be happy.
    judy ,ant ,marina christina ,laura ,how are you all doing,im mostly tearful today escp this morning a lot of numbness and stiffness thought i would not make it to work 2day ,so afraid of getting up from my desk right now my ankle feels so unreal and tight. all in all my prayers are with you all so take care now , bye!

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