I have no need for a lighter, but this Jii USB lighter looks amazing.
Type: Video
Why It’s Awesome To Be A Nerd via Wil Wheaton
Wil Wheaton gives a fantastic speech to a new mom when she asks him for some advice for her infant daughter. He talks about how being a nerd is great and how you should never let someone tell you that you can’t love something.
It’s possible he got a little too excited about SHARKNADO. by Kristian Bush
Happy 4th of July from Minnesota
These are the fireworks that are legal to buy in our state. Exciting isn’t it?!
America the Brave Still Fears What We Don’t Know
Marriage equality continues to move forward. It may be slow process, but any movement towards equality is success. People need to stop fearing what they don’t understand. Love is Love and everyone deserves to be happy. Today's DOMA ruling is a historic step forward for #MarriageEquality. #LoveIsLove — Barack Obama (@BarackObama) June 26, 2013
Star Trek Into Duckness – Intergalactic Trailer
I love trailers where they mix and match! Star Trek + Looney Tunes would make an epic movie!
What’s In The Box? Is It A Cookie?
I’m a big Muppet fan and here is a great example of Jim Henson’s work on Sesame Street. All Cookie Monster has to do is guess what’s in the box and he gets a cookie. Can’t be that hard… right?
Computer Monster – Take That Technology
The beauty of YouTube is that people can upload videos from long ago. Things I’d never see otherwise. Check out this fun clip from before I was born (1971) where a pre-Cookie Monster Muppet thinks a computer looks tasty. Mmmmm technology. According to Boing Boing, the character is Wheel-Stealer who eventually evolved into Cookie Monster. […]