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How to get the best digital prints.

This may not be news to some of you but others listen up. We just got a new Epson printer the other day and started out printing 4×6 digital pictures on some 4×6 semi gloss photo paper. The results were not that great. They were not blurry or fuzzy but more like someone ran an artistic photoshop filter on them first. Not horrible but not the best. I then went out and got some 4×6 Epson glossy photo paper and tried that. The results were astounding. They looked so good! So, my advice to you is to buy photo paper that matches your printer. I have an Epson printer so I buy Epson photo paper. I don’t know if we got bad paper the first time or if it was the semi gloss or what, but the difference between the other photo paper and the Epson photo paper in my Epson printer was amazing!! Oddly enough too, the Epson photo paper was cheaper.

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