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Category: Thrillify

Goodbye Camp Snoopy

The beagle has left the building. The Mall of America in Boomington Minnesota has officially lost the rights to Snoopy and the Peanuts gang. On January 19th the mall’s indoor amusement part will be called “The Park at MOA” until a new theme is decided upon. The rides will remain open, however a lot of […]

Valleyfair New in 2005

RipTide –720° OF ATTITUDE ( – Shakopee, MN) March 2005 – Calling all thrill seekers. Valleyfair’s newest ride, RipTide –720° OF ATTITUDE, awaits you. RipTide is a high-flying, gravity-defying, multi-spinning thrill with a splash of water. At a $3 million project cost, RipTide creates a whole new ride experience. “This attraction is a very unique […]

Camp Snoopy Changing Hands

According to Screamscape, Camp Snoopy in the Mall of America has decided to part ways with Cedar Fair, the current owner. This is a big deal because Cedar Fair is a huge theme park company that includes Valleyfair, Knotts Berry Farm and Cedar Point. Not sure what’s going to happen from this point on, but […]

Valleyfair Announces RipTide for 2005

Calling all thrill seekers! Valleyfair is pleased to announce the addition of RipTide – 720 DEGREES OF ATTITUDE for the 2005 Season. RipTide is a suspended Top Spin ride, designed by Huss Manufacturing of Germany. Its floorless gondola seats 38 passengers, back to back. The ride reaches a height of 59 feet and completes 13 […]