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Category: Thrillify

We Survived ValleyScare

I’m a big fan of Valleyfair, but not a big fan of going when it’s haunted. In the past, I never even thought about going to ValleyScare at night when all the ghosts and ghouls were out, but this year, we did it! Turns out, ValleyScare is a lot of fun. The biggest thing to […]

Valleyfair Flooding – June 28th 2024

We visited Valleyfair on June 28th and were amazed by the flooding. The Minnesota River has completely submerged the parking lot, forcing visitors to park off-site and take shuttle buses to the park. Valleyfair has also set up a temporary gravel entrance next to Delirious, as the main entrance is currently inaccessible. Once in the […]


For the first time in years we went to Valleyfair. I’m a thrill ride fan so I was hoping to hit up all the coasters, but it was also Lily’s first visit so there were plenty of new kid rides that I knew I’d be trying out. We picked a great day as it wasn’t […]

Looking for family vacation ideas.

My wife and I are looking for family friendly destinations for a summer vacation. My daughter is 4 and loves all things Disney; especially Jake and the Neverland Pirates. She loves water parks, animals, playgrounds, rides, and, well everything. We did Disney last year so we’re thinking of something a little less spendy this year. […]

Valleyfair Construction 1974

Back in 1974 there wasn’t much to Valleyfair. In fact, two local businessmen were just starting to build it. When Valleyfair opened in 1976, it had 20 attractions that included the Antique Cars, Bumper Cars, Ferris Wheel, High Roller roller coaster, Scrambler, SuperCat, and Wheel of Fortune. Amazingly enough, most of those are still there today!

Our Day at Nickelodeon Universe.

Today I took the day off and Christi and I took Lily to Nickelodeon Universe in the Mall of America to have some fun. We had unlimited ride wristbands and we were taking advantage of the day. Lily loved the rides. We went on quite a few junior rides as she is only 4, but […]