iAqua – Mac Like Firefox Theme
Firefox meets Apple’s Mail.app in iAqua
This Firefox theme was inspired from a theme over at MacThemes. It seems a Mozilla team member created a mockup of what the thought the Mac version of Firefox 2 could look like. It never came into existence, so I took a crack at it.
iAqua features
- Apple Mail.app pill like buttons.
- Forward and back buttons together.
- Close button on the left side of the tab.
- Rounded URL bar and search box with finished ends.
- Mac like scroll bar.
- Plus much more.
Better yet, it’s not just a Mac theme, it works on Windows and Linux too!
What’s that? You need code hacks?
/* Kill bookmark icons in the Personal Toolbar */
toolbarbutton.bookmark-item > .toolbarbutton-icon { display: none; }
/* Kill Fav icons in tabs */
.tab-icon-image { display:none; }
Take iAqua for a spin and let me know what you think. May not be completely compatable with all extensions, but most should work. 🙂