Once again I’ve fallen for this grand idea of optimized versions of Firefox. I’ve tried them in the past only to fall back on the default Firefox. But here I go again.
This time I’m running both G5 and Intel optimized versions with aqua widgets. I have to say, seeing check boxes and radio buttons that match the Mac OS is a much welcomed sign. Buttons work too, however they seem a little odd. They look better than previous times though.
The only thing I’m disliking is the fact that some of the text fields are using tiny fonts. I’m not sure where the setting is to change those but it’s bugging the crud out of me. I mostly notice it on the G5 build so I feel I should be able to change that setting somewhere.
So what about speed? Honestly, I don’t notice a difference. I like to believe my browser is more efficient for being optimized for my processor, but it’s hard to say.
Thanks to BeatnikPad for making the optimized Firefox builds and adding in the oh so sweet aqua widgets. That’s the biggest advantage.