No, it doesn’t have a cool name like Razr or Krazr but the new LG VX8600 phone we just got is really sweet.
// Image lost. Sorry. Zooomr ate it. //
It has a slim form factor with extraordinarily bright and crisp screens. Comes with a built in MP3 player with touch controls on the cover even though I don’t know how to get music on it from my Mac yet. It has a camera, video camera and can play many types of media. It’s even Bluetooth enabled. This was of great news to me as my iMac was able to see it and I could send my address book contacts to it. That’s much easier than trying to type them all in on the phone.
I’m really excited about our new phones and I can’t wait to figure out all the features. My next priority items are to figure out how to add music to the phone and get pictures & video off the phone and do it all for free. Any ideas?
A good way to get free ring tones:
To put music and videos on your phone you wil need a microSD card. Put it in your phone first let it format it. Then put it in a card reader in your mac. Put music in the my_music folder, videos in my_flicks folder, pictures in my_pics folder…ect.
It a great phone!!!!
Thanks for the info. 🙂
I followed the above directions. I was able to transfer sound files into sounds. How can I set this as a ringer?
You go this to sync with Addressbook?
Yep. It didn’t work perfectly, but it did work.
Can you elaborate on the ‘sync’ part of your Mac and your Address Book. I can only send one contact at a time. I think there may be an easier way…
Crap. Aaron, I think you were right. One at a time, not truly syncing. Sorry.
how do i get pictures that i took on my phone.. off of the phone so i can get them onto my computer? i tried bitpim, it imported all my data including songs etc, but didnt import the pics i took. any ideas?
Do you have Bluetooth? If so, you may be able to browse the phone and take the picts off. I know I can on my Mac. But I can’t figure out how to get a ring tone on.
Try this site out Thomas. I just got mine a little while ago and this site seems to have just about all the info you’ll need.
If not then maybe you can contact the authors and get a little more info. Hope it helps.
Between Myxer and Bluetooth, I’m all set.
Thanks for pointing me to Myxer. It is an awesome site. I have been looking for something like that for a while now but turned up empty handed. I’m letting all my friends know about it.
Thanks Again,
hey guys
myxer doesnt work for me.
I got an LG VX8600 from Telus and they block EVERY site that gives free ringtones. I have an SD Card Reader with a 1 gb sd card. Is there any way I could get free ringtones this way? Please send me an e-mail back, thanks!
sorry, send me a msg back**
myxer changed everything. I’m not sure how it works anymore.