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Category: Personal

Things that relate more to me than to you.

Good times on the farm.

Lily always likes vising my parent’s farm because she gets to do things she doesn’t usually get to do. Of course, Lily found a kitten. The farm has more than a few cats, but not usually super friendly ones. However, one love getting held, followed us around, and enjoyed Lily as much as she enjoyed […]

Second 5k and we are 3 minutes faster!

Lily and I participated in our second 5k over the weekend, and we were both faster. Not sure what a good improvement is, but we were both about 3 minutes faster than last year. Lily ran 30 minutes 12 seconds which is 6.17 mph and I ran 30 minutes 24 seconds which is 6.13 mph. […]

I ran two miles today!

This is right up there with that one time I touched my toes a few months back. I’ve also been doing pull-ups for months now, and I’m up to five-ish! I guess you could say I’m getting in shape. You should see how quickly I can demolish this bag of chocolates now.

Our cat Griffin seems to like Legos.

Etihier Griffin likes Legos, or he’s jealous of them. Every time we sit down to build something, he comes and joins us. Usually sitting right on top of the pieces we need. He’s even tried to eat a few before. He’s a strange cat.

Went to the mall to feed a Capybara.

This past weekend, we meet some wild animals at Sustainable Safari in Maplewood Mall. Lily had the opportunity to interact with her latest animal obsession, the Capybara. Capybaras are pretty cute when they’re small, and kinda cute, in a weird way, when they grow up, too. Sustainable Safari had all sorts of animals including goats, […]

@#?!! Musk – Stop Killing Twitter

I’ve been on Twitter for 16 years and leaving it seems unreal, but Elon is killing it. I really didn’t get Twitter when it started, it seemed pointless. However, over the years I learned to love it. I have friends on there, I follow brands I’m interested in, I keep up with local businesses & […]

Participated in our first 5k over the weekend.

This past weekend, my daughter and I participated in our first 5k.  I’ve been wanting to do a 5k for a while, but I never went for it. I like to walk, but I’m not a big runner, so convincing myself was hurdle #1. Hurdle #2 was having someone to do it with, as I […]

A week after colon cancer surgery and I feel good.

It’s been about a week since my colon cancer surgery and I feel good! This whole process thus far has seemed to go quite smoothly, and I’m amazed at how quickly I’m recovering. The day of the surgery was the worst. Between the nerves going in and the pain afterwords, that was a hard day. […]

How did we find my colon cancer? By donating blood.

People have asked how I found out I had colon cancer. As I noted in my first post my warning signs were pretty minor. The only symptom I had was getting light-headed when standing. This isn’t too out of the ordinary and, even though it seemed to be happening more often, I just thought it […]

I Have Colon Cancer

When I was in high school, I remember hearing a stat that 1 in 3 men in the US will develop cancer within their lifetime. This was a bit shocking to me as I knew nobody with cancer. Granted, people probably had it, but they weren’t talking about it, or I wasn’t paying attention. But […]