This past Tuesday marked my one year anniversary at The Nerdery. It’s hard to believe it’s been a year, and it’s also hard to believe how much I’ve learned. When I started I was a little nervous. It was my first time starting a new job in 6 years. I was excited though as it […]
Category: Personal
Here comes the holidays, ready or not.
Welcome Home Troops
In October, the president said that troops in the Iraq war, nearly 40,000, would be coming home; and they’d be home for the holidays. Keeping right on his word, the troops are coming home. The greatest thing a family can hear from their soldier is “I’m coming home” and lots of families are getting that gift […]
Daycare: In-home, at home and now a center.
Lily started her new daycare today and she was very excited. It was a bit like sending your kids off to school as she had her little backpack, supplies and some new clothes. She was going someplace new with lots of other kids, toys and the unknown. Ok, so maybe it was more Mom and […]
Cupcakes, Cows, Presents & Water
Our little girl is now two years old! What better way to celebrate than with two parties and doing all the fun things she loves to do. It started out with Uncle Josh visiting on her birthday. That’s pretty special as he was in from California. Josh gave her some plastic food so she could […]
Lily has completed her first swim lessons.
Today was Lily’s last day of swim lessons. The 1 month program was just to get her comfortable with the water. She learned some things and got exposed to quite a bit. She even got dunked under the water a few times. One of these days she’ll learn to close her eyes and mouth first, but […]
TwisterMc – New for 2011
Hello? Is this thing on?
Cleaning up the database.
I never fully realized how bad WordPress’ database gets after a while. Plugins leave all sorts of junk behind and it’s just a huge mess. So I started deleting information. Hopefully I didn’t break anything. This all started because my site got suspended yesterday for using to many server resources. I thought that was odd […]
Don’t trust iPhoto with your Flickr photos.
I found out yesterday that iPhoto, when integrated with Flickr, alters your sets based on iPhotos limitations and doesn’t let the user know. I’ve been using Flickr for years and have been very happy with it. Once Lily was born the number of photos I uploaded increased dramatically. I’ve now got nearly 900 Lily photos, […]