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Category: Personal

How did we find my colon cancer? By donating blood.

People have asked how I found out I had colon cancer. As I noted in my first post my warning signs were pretty minor. The only symptom I had was getting light-headed when standing. This isn’t too out of the ordinary and, even though it seemed to be happening more often, I just thought it […]

I Have Colon Cancer

When I was in high school, I remember hearing a stat that 1 in 3 men in the US will develop cancer within their lifetime. This was a bit shocking to me as I knew nobody with cancer. Granted, people probably had it, but they weren’t talking about it, or I wasn’t paying attention. But […]

Turns out weed & feed works!

We’ve used weed & feed on the lawn in the past, but this year it left dark green lines everywhere it was put down. You can see exactly where it was applied and where it wasn’t. It definitely is working and I guess the grass was very hungry. I used granular so knowing exactly where […]

Say hello to Monster, Oscar, Imposter, and Carl

This year, I’m determined to get a good crop of pumpkins. Meet Monster, Oscar, Imposter, and Carl my pumpkin boxes protecting the seedlings from rabbits and other critters. I haven’t had great luck growing pumpkins in my yard due to all the great trees, so this year I asked my neighbor if I could utilize […]

I traded in a morning commute for a morning walk.

When the pandemic started, I was excited to be working from home. One thing I soon realized however is that I didn’t move very much. Walking from the parking lot to the office, and then around the office at work, added up. Not a lot of steps, but way more than I was getting when […]

We installed a cat door.

Over the weekend we installed a Purrfect Portal cat door. It was pretty easy to do and looks amazing. We installed it in the room we keep the cat litter boxes in. It’s supposed to be under the stairs storage but works well for litter boxes. The cat door should slow the cats down so […]

Today we said goodbye to our cat Sassy.

Sassy is now in cat heaven. We knew it was coming, but she took a turn for the worst Christmas evening and we realized that it was time. Sassy was 17 years old (nearly 18) and she lived a good long life. She was around before my wife and I got married and she’s been […]