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Spice up Adium with iPhone Backgrounds

Did you know that iPhone backgrounds make great backgrounds for chat windows in Adium?  See for yourself.

iPhone Background on Adium

It’s really simple to do too.  Here’s how.

1 – Grab a cool iPhone background.  Here is the blue iPhone background I’m using.

2 – Open Adium and go to the preferences and click on the messages area.

3 – See that area for a custom background?  Check the box and drag and drop your iPhone background in there.

Adium Preferances

Wa la.  You’re done!

There are a few things to keep in mind.  

First, the width of iPhone backgrounds are a bit limiting.  Your window will need to be a fixed width or your background will need to wrap nicely.  The window is not to skinny though.  Also, most iPhone backgrounds don’t repeat well vertically.  Some do though, so pick a nice one.

That’s it.  Enjoy!

3 Responses

  1. Norbert says:

    How do I remove picture so I can have background made out of solid color?

    • Thomas says:

      That’s in the settings. Uncheck the ‘use custom background image’

      • Norbert says:

        Thanks for the reply, but that’s not it. I already know, I just had to use cmd+backspace while background was selected to delete picture and have only custom colors 😉
        BTW smooth operator with classic variant and black color set to 85% opacity look sweeeeet 🙂

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