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View FireFox’s Cache Easily

Just a quick tip. If you are running Mozilla Firefox and you want to view your cache just type about:cache in the URL bar and hit enter. You can then search though your cache and retrieve images and files easily.

23 Responses

  1. aadam says:

    but it’s all in text format. how do i preview the media files like jpg or swf?

  2. Thomas says:

    Mine all show up as hyper links. Click on the link and it loads the image or swf.

  3. Zadkiel says:

    but the link is to the actual website where the cache was taken from, i.e., it won’t show the file stored in the disk.

  4. Thomas says:

    Zadkiel, under the ‘Disk cache device’ listing it says ‘Cache Directory’

  5. Zadkiel says:


    You copy the address to the actual cache file, and firefox will automagicailly list what’s cached!

    Thank you 😀

  6. Jake says:

    It rocks.

  7. MrRio says:

    Good tip!

  8. MrRio says:

    Good tip

  9. Johnson says:

    Yeah but how do you just see it like in IE? So you open your cache using about:cache and then copy it to address bar to see it; but all you get are hyperlinks; can’t you just see all images stored without having to click on each one (and/or save each one again)??

  10. Thomas says:

    Johnson, you might want to check out Firefox’s forms to get help on that specific question. Sounds nice though.

  11. JeffJeff says:

    Experimented with using the address to the disk cache location in the file explorer. It works but the file names are just mumbojumbo without even extensions, but one can sort them by size and date.
    There probably is some FF plugin that should be able to do something better, but maybe I’m just hoping.

  12. JeffJeff says:

    Now I’ve checked! There is a nice plugin called CacheViewer which seems to work quit nicely.

    URLs, Mimetype, date, size, device (disk or RAM)

    pictures are automatically shown as a thumbnail when selected.

    You can choose multiple files and save. Seems like one can only delete one at a time though.

  13. Daniel says:

    This work! Thank you !

  14. Sumit says:

    i am using firfox, i want some thing so that i can download all photos from a web page an full size photos from any site ,, any do can help plzz.

  15. Paul says:

    But how do you locate sound files should you want to play them back?

  16. Maxine Fack says:

    I have lost email in a secure site that has now terminated access. I can see the cache URLs but I cant reload the actual image it just takes me to a login page (which has been disabled). Is there any way that I can view the actual cached image for a secure site or am I dead in the water and about to have to confess to my client that I screwed up!!!!!! Ugg. Any advice would be soo welcome.

  17. william says:

    however , it is very difficult to locate one file . there are so many diretories and files ….

  18. tuto says:

    way ! I was looking for it. So easy here !
    hah ! somebody makes it harder !


  1. 8/8/2006

    […] Avoiding Lost Work, Plumb Firefox’s Cache Posted Tuesday, August 8, 2006 by David Evans This simple Hotwo saved my hide last week when a few files got saved to zero-length files on an FTP server. View FireFox’s Cache Easily. firefox, osx, save+time No related posts […]

  2. 8/31/2006

    […] Thanks to TwisterMc for this little nugget. […]

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