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Apple’s Low Power Mode in iOS 9 is Amazing

Apple has a Low Power Mode in iOS 9 and it’s fantastic. It temporary reduces your phones power consumption when enabled. It won’t check for new mail, disables background app refresh, disables automatic downloads, and reduces some visual effects. Not only will it save your battery, but it’ll also charge your phone faster.

To enable it, just got to Settings > Battery and turn it on.

Apple's Setting Screen

While at my parents farm, my phone was losing battery fast due to poor signal and data connection. So, I put my phone in low power mode and I didn’t lose any battery for the next few hours!

I still got push notifications and I still got phone calls, but my battery never got lower than 41%. Which, I think I started low power mode at 41%; or close to that.

I was completely amazed at how well my battery maintained its charge during low power mode. Sure, I checked my phone every so often, but I wan’t using it. I didn’t answer, or make, any calls or try to surf the web. My phone just sat in my pocket and maintained.

Low Power Mode is great for when you want to keep your battery alive as long as possible, but don’t want to lose out on phone calls or notifications. This makes it more ideal than airplane mode.

Low power mode also works well when you want your phone to charge faster. Since it’s doing less work in the background, it charges quicker. Instead of using airplane mode, use low power mode so you don’t miss out on calls and notifications. Once the battery is charged enough, low power mode disables itself and your phone goes back to normal operation.

If you have’t been using low power mode, check it out. It’s a great addition to iOS.

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