iOS can do a lot of things and some we forget about. Tonight, my daughter stumbled across message effects! Message effects are going to make my texts so much more fun. Even if it’s just one emoji fulfilling up the screen. This video doesn’t include the secret pew pew message effect if you just send […]
Tagged: iOS
Stocard makes Apple’s Wallet (Passbook) better by adding your rewards cards.
I’m a fan of Apple’s Wallet (previously Passbook) but it’s really limited for me. It’s not easy to add a card and it’s not compatible with every rewards card for some odd reason. But, that’s where Stocard comes in. Stocard comes pre-programmed with lots of rewards cards and you just have to find your card […]
Apple’s Low Power Mode in iOS 9 is Amazing
Apple has a Low Power Mode in iOS 9 and it’s fantastic. It temporary reduces your phones power consumption when enabled. It won’t check for new mail, disables background app refresh, disables automatic downloads, and reduces some visual effects. Not only will it save your battery, but it’ll also charge your phone faster. To enable […]
iOS 7 Calendar Tip: Improve the Calendar layout in Notification Center.
If you’re like me, you have a lot of things on your calendar every day. However, the default calendar layout in Notification Center can get a bit busy. Turns out, you can change this layout by chaining the layout in Calendar. It’s as easy as touching an icon. Default layout in Calendar: Default layout in Notification Center: […]
Spice up Safari, Evernote, iTunes, Finder & more with emoji icons.
When you run out of Dropbox space, try Copy. A great alternative.
Correct WordPress misspellings, or anything, in your writing automatically!
Did you know that the P in WordPress should always be uppercase? That capital P makes a difference. Same goes for ExpressionEngine (capital second E) and many other technologies or names. An easy way to fix this is to add in an auto correct rule in your OS or text expansion application to change the incorrect spelling the correct […]