I have Dropbox and I love it. It’s my goto for storing and syncing files to the cloud. Even though I’ve been able to rack up some additional free space on Dropbox, it’s still pretty lacking in the free space department.
There are a lot of other options but Copy is quickly becoming one of my favorite alternatives.
One of the reasons I love Copy so much is that it comes with 15GB of free space and it’s pretty easy to get more; without referral caps. I’m at 72GB currently. 🙂
They have desktop apps for Mac, Windows and Linux and mobile apps for iOS, Windows and Android that give you access to everything everywhere.
What I’ve started doing is offloading some of my Dropbox files onto Copy. I’m moving large files and anything that I’m storing in the cloud for backup purposes. This has allowed me to free up some valuable Dropbox space.
The more I use Copy, the more I realize it’s not just another cloud storage app but a great alternative. Copy has some sweet features that other cloud offerings don’t.
You can sync alias folders; aka symbolic links. Simply put the alias in your Copy folder and Copy will then follow the path in your link to the folder you want to sync. No moving things around to be inside the Copy folder.
If you’ve got a team, another nice feature of Copy is the fact that shared files don’t take up the full amount of space on everyone’s Copy account. They call this ‘Fair Storage.’ Instead of counting data in shared folders against all members’ individual storage quotas, it get split equally. If you’re sharing a 100Mb folder with three other people you’ll all get 25Mb of space taken up on your account.
No limits either. Copy allows users to upload and share files of any size. My biggest file currently is 669Mb.
Copy also keeps revisions. This isn’t something I’ve used a lot yet, but revisions are built-in so that you can go back in time and get the original version of a file.
Overall, Copy is a great Dropbox alternative and a service I’m using more and more. I’m starting to see Copy as more than just an alternative cloud storage & sync app but a real contender. All it really needs is more developers working with the Copy api to build it into their apps and services.
I love the logo.
I just put my dropbox folder into my copy folder… Fingers crossed that the internet doesn’t break.