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Looking for a backyard playset? Get the Lifetime 90143 Monkey Bar Adventure Swing Set.

Once we moved into our new house, Lily missed her old swing set and slide. We hooked up a swing to a tree, but it wasn’t quite as good. It worked for a while, but we knew we had to keep our eyes out for a new swing set.

Then, we found the Lifetime 90143 Monkey Bar Adventure Swing Set on Amazon and it had great reviews. We watched it for a few months and when it dropped in price, we ordered it.

Swing Set

Assembly is one of the concerns we had in getting a swing set. We wanted something nice, but relatively easy to put together. The reviews said it was going to be easy, and they were right.

Everything is well labeled, and my wife and I put it together in about 2.5 hours.

The only recommendation I’d have is to not tighten everything until you’re done, or be careful not to over tighten things. Our biggest pain-points where because of some plastic end-caps that didn’t align properly with the holes, and that happened because I tightened things a bit too much.

Once it was up, it’s very stable. We were worried about it tipping over, but with four kids (ages 4-7) playing on it at the same time, there isn’t much to worry about. Sure it moves a little, but it doesn’t look unstable. After a while, it settled into the ground a bit and seems even more stable. However, getting some additional safety equipment is always a good idea.

One of the nice things about this swing set is that it’s all metal, no wood required. It’s very good quality and big enough for big kids. Even I can sit and swing, even if I’m probably not supposed to. My daughter is 6 and she’s pretty tall, and we have no concerns with her outgrowing it anytime soon.

It’s a big hit with our daughter and all the neighborhood kids. Highly recommended.

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