Please know that these notes are in raw format. Some may not make sense to you, but they do to me. This is a recap of last weeks events.
Organic Listings Forum
Email Yahoo is index issues happen
My Yahoo 2.0 blocks sites & takes notes
Search results may be influenced by others
Konatical (sp?)
Google hats pop-ups – toolbar could be reporting them
Buying links ok, schemes are wrong
301 redirect from well established site could get you out of sandbox?
Loosing rankings does not equal sandbox
Sandbox happens because of sudden link gain / unnatural happenings
Cblock, anchor text, registered name all could be looked at with unnatural happenings
Google toolbar knows everything you do, other toolbarls probably too
Duplicate = Exact copy for the most part has good directory structure
Multiple domains, same content, confuse
Links most important
Server speed also can play a part
Meet the Crawlers: Submission & Feed Edition
– Ask Jeeves
Likes robots.txt
Crawl delay can be put in robots file to slow the crawler down
Freshness – variable rate of crawling
time date stamp content (20% never changes) – HTTP last modified
Use Sitemap
Bloglines updates more than once an hour, 1Mil + feeds a day.
– Google
Use Google sitemaps to get pages updated
Better crawl coverage/ fresher results/ smarter crawl
– Yahoo
FUSE Find Use Share Expand
Deeper crawling from authority link
Site depth counts
URL submit list available
Specific titles & descriptions very important
No excessive domain cross linking
Crawl-delay:20 (seconds)
Site explorer coming soon – see what yahoo sees (48 hour delay?)
Google – keyword in URL doesn’t matter
Google site map is directory based.
My SEM Toolbox
See Mr Ploppy and the gang for a list of the tools that were discussed.