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I put the pink in PinkHope

PinkHope, a breast cancer awareness theme, has been completely re-vamped and released as version 1.0. The new version goes pink big time.

I’ve been talking about making PinkHope into it’s own unique theme for a while now and I finally did it. It now sports a pink background behind the tool, address, status and tab bars. Even the background of the address and search bars is now pink.

For some, this may be a bit of a shock, but I really wanted to go big and go pink with PinkHope. I wanted something that stood out and could be seen and noticed on your computer with just a passing glance.

To much pink? No worries, you can still download PinkHope version 0.7.1 and run the not so pink version.

From pink iPods to wristbands and even Garth CD’s, pink is everywhere. PinkHope fits in with these products and is just another way you can help spread breast cancer awareness.

More information and download links at the PinkHope page.

8 Responses

  1. Do you maybe have this theme in sorta blue-ish / gray-ish color? Love the way tabs blend into the toolbars, looks awesome, but I’m not a “pink person” sorta speak 🙂

  2. Thomas says:

    PinkHope is pink only as it goes with the cause. I do have other themes though on my creations page.

  3. jas says:

    I started using PinkHope as soon as it first came out. And I could understand your intention of making it big and stand-out in the update, however the 1.0 is just way too pink for me…
    Personally it’s not a problem of different taste but those large area of hot pink really strains the eyes and making browsing a tiresome job real quick. So had to go back to the older version.

  4. bri says:

    yes i love the pink hope especially the new version. i was wondering if you could or were planning on a thunderbird theme like it or similar.

  5. Chica says:

    I love this theme. 🙂 I might use it forever unless a newer version comes out.

  6. kate says:

    I love the pink hope theme and I even love the newer pinker version – its great! There’s one little bug in it for me and that’s that version 0.7 still had the little down arrows next to the back and forward buttons that showed you a list of all your previous pages so you could jump back 10 pages at once instead of pressing back 10 times. If there’s a way to make it do that in the new version I would love to know about it because I love the pink!

  7. Peggy says:

    Hi, im trying to download this to my tool bar, but it won’t change the tool bar. Help.

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