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One AirPod lost sound? Try sucking on it.

Last summer I had an incident with my AirPods (2nd gen) where the left AirPod stopped producing sound. Actually, it was just really muffled unless I twisted the AirPod so it pointed at my nose. Last week I found a solution, suck on it. I figured this out after I came across a Reddit thread […]

Christmas lights are more festive with WLED & LED Pixels

Programmable Christmas lights with WLED and LED pixels have made Christmas lighting more festive than ever. The colors and patters I can create are so much fun, and I just have a pretty basic setup. Our Christmas tree has 10 different effects that change every 10 minutes and the house has 14 different effects that […]

Snow Day!

Snow days seem few and far between these days, but Lily got one today. Granted, now they’re called distant learning days, but no one does anything except go out and play in the snow. I still had to work, but was able to enjoy the snow on my morning walk and from my home office.

Hang LED Pixels with gutter clips.

When you’re starting out with LED pixels (programmable Christmas lights) not everyone is ready to go all in and spend big bucks on pixel mounting strips or other more permanent installs. Instead, you can use cheap gutter clips. Grab some universal gutter clips which can be found at Target, Lowes, Home Depot, or other stores. […]

We handed out potatoes for Halloween.

This year, our Halloween candy bowl had potatoes mixed in. That’s right, potatoes. As it turns out, some kids love potatoes. This all started when my wife read something about someone else who did this and how kids loved it. Seemed like a fun thing to do on Halloween, so we thought we’d give it […]

Colon Cancer – A Year Later

It’s been a year since I found out I had colon cancer. I’m grateful to say that I’m nearly back to normal. Some minor side effects still linger, but I’m cancer free and enjoying life again. I’ve even passed my recent CT scan, blood work, and colonoscopy with no issues found. I’m extremely lucky that […]

Kitty Piddle Pop – It’s SODAsgusting

We visited Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store over the weekend and I picked up some Kitty Piddle pop. It’s supposed to be SODAsgusting, but it was pretty good. It’s pineapple orange flavor and I’d recommend it. Avery’s makes other great gross flavors too like Bug Barf, Alien Snot, Worm Ooze, and Unicorn Yack, among others. If […]