I can’t go a day without hearing Call Me Maybe. Either it’s on the radio or there is a new parody! There are so many versions. And interestingly enough, each version is actually kind of cool. There is a parody for everybody! Jimmy Fallon Share It Maybe – Cookie Monster MEH ME MEH ME – Featuring […]
Category: Fun
What’s cool in the Colorado Springs area?
Soon we are heading out on a car trip. We’ll drive through scenic Iowa and Nebraska before arriving in beautiful Colorado. Ok, so I’ll probably sleep through Iowa, waking just to have breakfast. But anyway. What’s cool do to in and around Colorado Springs? Or on our way there? We’re not in any big hurry […]
Is it: Internet FTW or WTF?
Every day there are three things I have to check out. First, what’s up on Twitter. So many tidbits of information, links and pictures. Then I head over to Facebook to see how those kids are doing. And no day is complete without posting something to one of my many WordPress blogs. Since Facebook, Twitter […]
Everybody likes Legos
John Denver vs Nickelback – Which life do you want?
While listening to my iPod, it played Rockstar right after Thank God I’m a Country Boy. Turns out, they’re both songs about the life you’ve been given. One song from 1974 one from 2006 with two very different stories. John sings about how he works hard, enjoys the simple things and lives his life with […]
Saturday morning cartoons where the best when I was a kid!
Twitter has a job opening for a unicorn slayer.
Did you see Twitter’s awesome recruiting video? I have to say, it got my attention because it’s cheesy awesome. http://youtu.be/vccZkELgEsU While listing open jobs, I noticed that they are even hiring a unicorn slayer. Now I think that may be illegal, with them being endangered and all, but you don’t find that job to many places. I think I’m going to stay […]
Blast from the past: Garbage Pail Kids
Remember Garbage Pail Kids? The trading cards & stickers of sick and twisted little kids?! Man I had so many Garbage Pail Kids cards. A little disgusting? Yes. But not as bad as the gum that came with them. I wonder if my Mom still has my collection of cards? And did you know they re-released some recently? […]