When you have a kid, you realize how expensive they can be. However, with a little bit of looking, you can find great deals.
Lily loves to swing, so we looked at getting her a swing for the back yard. We went back and forth on the decision until we found the one we wanted on the clearance shelf at Target. It was such a good deal that we couldn’t pass it up.

Lily and her swing.
A few days later we were out for a walk and came across a garage sale that had a trike and a slide, two other items that we knew Lily would love. They are priced anywhere from $50 to $120 each new so we hadn’t been convinced to buy them. But when we got both for $10, it was a done deal.

Yea! A Slide!

Lily's new trike.
Lily has always loved being outside and going to the park, but now that she can just go out the back door and go for a swing or down the slide, she loves it even more.