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Category: Games

Back to Work Everyone!

Well now that Christmas is over, it’s back to work. I hope everyone had a great holiday and just think, soon we’ll get another day off for New Years!! I know Christmas isn’t about presents, but a big thank you goes out to my family for all the great stuff I got. Yes, I think […]

Carmen Sandiego on Google Maps

In case your $0.20 Carmen Sandiego didn’t arrive, you can go online and chase her down! Brewster Jennings Protects America partners Carmen Sandiego with Google Maps and it’s quite cool! Unless you can’t remember where someplace in the US is. OOps. I lost my first try. 😉 Check it out and have some fun.

Where is Carmen Sandiego

That illusive lady from when I was a kit is still on the loose. Carmen Sandiego is still running ramped somewhere. A better question than where is the world (or US, time, universe) is Carmen Sandiego is what did Carmen Sandiego do? Why am I chasing her? Who tricked me into spending so much time […]

RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 for Mac!

Hard to believe but it’s true! RollerCoaster Tycoon 3 will be released for the Mac this fall!! Aspyr is creating/porting the Mac version and the system requirements are not out yet. For those who don’t know, RollerCoaster Tycoon lets you build and run your own amusement park. Also, in version 3, you get to ride […]

Hormel Twins Stadium

My wife and I went out to a Twins game yesterday with some of her co-workers. We really went to get the bobble heads, which we did. We each ended up with a Jacque Jones bobble head. Which, by the way, are all over eBay and going for around $30 dollars. While waiting for the […]

Yea for iTunes Free Music

Thanks to my family I got a bunch more free songs from the Pepsi and iTunes game. My brother drinks a lot of Mtn. Dew and when he wins a song, my mom saves the caps for me. So today I added 7 free songs to my iTunes account. This is great as I can’t […]

A.C.E.S. Flight Simulation – Mall of America

Last weekend my father in law and I checked out A.C.E.S, a flight simulator at the Mall of America, and it was pretty cool. We flew World War II airplanes and tried to shoot each other down. There were four of us total, with unlimited ammo, so you think I’d hit someone. I think I […]

Mall of America Hotel and Casino

The money behind the Mall of America (MOA) in Bloomington Minnesota unveiled what they hope to be phase 2 of the mall. If created, the MOA would be the largest mall in the world. Not only do they want you to come for a few days, but how about a few weeks?! New features would […]

Do you know where the United States are?

The United States. You know where they all are right? Can you place them on a map with no lines? Sure sounds easy enough but it’s not. Unless you are really smart. Check out this online states game and see how well you do. Some, like Minnesota and Texas are easy, others like Pennsylvania and […]