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Category: Movies

So you can cure zombies with love?!

I’m not a big horror movie fan, I actually avoid them at all costs, however when it’s a horror comedy then my interests are peaked. For example, Shaun of the Dead was amazing and so was Zombieland. Something about zombie humor works for me. Until now, all zombie movies were pretty much the same; zombies were dead […]

Nothing like a Griswold Family Christmas Vacation.

Christmas is the best when you’re a kid. When you grow up it’s still pretty awesome, but sometimes it just feels a little stressful. But then I think about Clark Grizwold and I realize that things aren’t that bad! Christmas Vacation is one of my favorite movies and is tops on my Christmas movie list. If you’ve never […]

Search for the last box of Twinkies – It’s Zombieland out there.

Have you been to the store to find Twinkies lately? The idea that Hostess is going under is making Twinkies very scares. It’s just like Zombieland! We’re looking for the last box of Twinkies that anyone will enjoy in the universe. Life’s little Twinkie gauge is about to go empty.

Scream 4 – Cheesy but worth the rent.

The year was 1996 and I was in high school when Scream came out. I wasn’t a big fan of horror movies, but I somehow saw this one. Then there was Scream 2 and Scream 3. Each move a not quite as good as the one before it but at least the characters stayed the same and […]

Just watched Battle for LA. Lots of shooting little story.

I like a good action movie, but this was a bit over done. Where was my story? Shoot. Kill. Repeat. That’s pretty much what it was. And why do aliens, who can build spaceships and other cool stuff, always have one week spot that we can find and hit every time with a basic machine gun?

Shaun of the Dead – In 60 Seconds

Shaun if the Dead is one of my favorite movies. If you’ve never seen it, it’s definitely worth checking out. The 60 second recap is good, but the full movie is better.

The Beauty of Pixar

I love Pixar movies. The stories are great, the characters are well thought out and the imagery is amazing. This is why Pixar is so successful!

Unstoppable Is A Great Movie

The wife and I don’t get to go out to movies much anymore since we have a little one. Actually, we didn’t go to that many before either, basically because they are expensive and usually not that good. Over the weekend however, we did get to go out to a movie and saw Unstoppable. And […]

Wall-E with a Candy Cane

Caught WALL-E in the holiday spirit collecting candy canes the other day.  Wouldn’t it be fun to see the little guy with a sugar high?