It seems that whenever I try to block bad sites from stealing bandwidth, I end up blocking myself too. Doh! And to make it worse, it’s not obvous to me that I’m doing it until months later So if you’ve had issues in the past with images on my site, I apologize. Hopefully all is […]
Category: SocialAddict
SocialAddict Updated to v1.2
SocialAddict for Adobe Air, and for the web, has been updated to version 1.2. Updates include: FriendFeed mobile replaces FriendFeed 2 Go. Pownce removed. Updated Adobe Air version. New installer thanks to the Badge Builder. Install Social Addict v 1.2 For those that don’t know, SocialAddict is an application that brings together the mobile version […]
SocialAddict Goes Online and Mobile
I realized that the code I wrote for SocialAddict on Adobe Air could easily translate into a web application. So I tossed the files up online and now it’s accessible everywhere. Check it out: What’s cool about this is you can use it in a few different ways. 1 – Use it without Adobe […]
SocialAddict – 11 Social Sites, 1 Adobe Air Application
After my recent success with Plurkit, I decided to take the idea to the next level and add in more social sites. The outcome is SocialAddict which has 11 social sites within one Adobe Air application. What SocialAddict does is loads the mobile or iPhone version of each site for easy access. Again, I didn’t […]