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SocialAddict Goes Online and Mobile

I realized that the code I wrote for SocialAddict on Adobe Air could easily translate into a web application.  So I tossed the files up online and now it’s accessible everywhere.

Check it out:

What’s cool about this is you can use it in a few different ways.

1 – Use it without Adobe Air.

2 – Load it in Firefox’s sidebar.  Just visit the URL above, bookmark the page and be sure to check the ‘Load in Sidebar’ box.  Now whenever you click on the bookmark, it’ll pop-open.

If you don’t see the ‘Load in Sidebar’ box, go to Bookmarks – Organize Bookmarks and edit the bookmark.  In Firefox 3 you’ll need to hit the ‘More’ button, Firefox 2 I think it’s the ‘Properties’.

I could turn it into a full blown extension, but I’ll wait and see if people want that.

3 – Load on mobile devices.  It seems to work great on my iPod Touch.  Let me know if it works on your mobile device.

Also, SocialAddict 1.1 is available for Adobe Air users.  Basically it replaces the BrightKite iPhone URL with the generic mobile URL as it didn’t work as nice as it should have.

Hope you enjoy it.

5 Responses

  1. Thomas says:

    Just fixed a possible bug in the Firefox sidebar version. 🙂

  2. Nicole says:

    no go on treo 700w 🙁

  3. tino says:

    i have already used this service for a long time. However, recently I found that the icons for each social site are missing so that i can only press the empty squares to switch between sites. Can you fix this and add google buzz to your convenient service? Thanks.

  1. 1/2/2009

    […] For those that don’t know, SocialAddict is an application that brings together the mobile version of multiple social networking sites for quick and easy access.  It’s available for your desktop via Adobe Air or on the web. […]