It’s just a fancy round light from Ikea with a bunch of cotton stuck to it. If you choose to make one of these, make sure to use an energy-efficient light bulb though as you don’t want to burn the place down.
Category: Weather
Beautiful Sunset
I may have tweaked the colors a little, but overall, the sunsets are pretty amazing when different colors light up the sky.
Snow Storm Just Missed Us
One heck of a spring snow storm is moving through Minnesota and the snow cut-off line is just crazy. When I left work I had to clean the snow off my car, the roads weren’t great, and the visibility was low. By the time I got home there was no snow. Just five miles to […]
Chances of a white Christmas in Minnesota isn’t as likely as you’d think.
When you think of Minnesota, you think cold and snowy right? Turns out, having a white Christmas in Minnesota isn’t as likely as you think. According to the Minnesota DNR, the northern half of the state has 85-95% chance of a white Christmas where as the southern half of the state has a 60-75% chance. […]
Lily’s playhouse was not a fan of the storms last night.
In the height of the storms, I turned on the backyard lights to find a pretty sizable branch in our back yard from the neighbors tree. Our playhouse looked a little scared. When I looked again this morning, I noticed there two branches (0ne out of the photo) which missed the fence and the playhouse. Luckily this appears to […]
A Tale of Two Minnesota Winters
Last winter, 2013/2014, we had roughly 70 inches of snow! This year however, we’ve only had about 25 inches. Our biggest snow storm only dropped 3.4 inches. Even when it did fall, it disappeared shortly there after; which means didn’t get the chance to pile up. Snowmobiling was basically nonexistent this winter and sledding was on only a few […]
Who wants to create a new pop band from Minnesota? Calling it One Below. It’ll be cool.
Beautiful Fall Colors
The fall colors are bright and beautiful around Minnesota. Love this time of year.