I just update the Chicklet Creator to add the ability to define what code appears before all buttons, before each button, after each and after all. This will help format the code to fit your needs right way and you don’t have to worry about it later. You can easily create your feed buttons in […]
Category: Feed Buttons
TwisterMc Themes, Plugins, Extensions and Requirements
I’ve been adding quite a bit of software to my site in the past weeks. There is now two WordPress plugins, two Firefox themes and a Firefox extension. However, one complaint I see is that it doesn’t work for version x. My Firefox addons were built to work in today’s official build. Not the 1.0.x […]
Chicklet Creator WordPress Plugin
Now available for download is the Chicklet Creator WordPress plugin. It’s very similar to the social bookmark links plugin I released a few days ago. Included in the plugin are the button images and the plugin file. Install & Configure Instructions [new location] 1) Download the plugin. Version 0.12) Open chicklet-creator.php and configure it. Turn […]