As you travel around the web, you may start noticing a big red image. One that looks really out of place, and really big. If you do, than that’s the work of me. // Image lost. Sorry. Zooomr ate it. // When the Chicklet Creator was first created, I hosted all the images and people […]
Category: Feed Buttons
All about my feed subscription button maker script.
Chicklet & Social Creator Work in WordPress 2.1
Chicklet Creator Plugin 0.5 Released!
— discontinued — The Chicklet Creator WordPress plugin just got better and much easier to use. Version 0.5 Includes: A configuration pane in Worpress’ admin area. New Feed Buttons. Lots of new code. All local images for fast load times. More like a real WordPress plugin. Check out the Chicklet Creator WordPress Plugin v0.5 and […]
Chicklet Creator Plugin Testers Wanted
— discontinued — Great news, after a long coding spree last night, I came up with a major overhaul of the Chicklet Creator WordPress plug. Now, I need some more testers. ๐ The new plugin version includes: Updated PHP code for our template so it won’t throw errors when you disable the plugin. Actually this […]
Updated Chicklet & Social Blog Tools
— discontinued — Announcing updates to the Chicklet Creator and the Social Bookmark Creator. The updated blog tools include a new layout, more buttons and a few added features. One of the big additions is the drop down menus. You can now create a CSS drop down menu to hold all your feed buttons, or […]
Blocking Images
Chicklet Creator Important Announcement
— discontinued — The feed buttons you have on your blog are causing my server to have performance issues. I had asked people to update their buttons a while ago and it hasn’t helped enough. Now an ever increasing image is going to force people to update. Every few days the image will grow larger […]
New WordPress Plugin Instructions
Last night I decided that my WordPress plugins needed a bit more detailed install and configure instructions.ย Sure, I know how to do it but that doesn’t mean anyone else gets it. ๐ Check out the Chicklet Creator WordPress Plugin instructions and the Social Bookmark WordPress Plugin instructions.ย Let me know if something doesn’t make […]
What is a Feed? RSS? Subscribe?
Technorati and Portal Chicklets
I’ve updated the Chicklet Creator with new buttons today. Now included are Technorati (add to favorites), Protopage, Pageflakes and Netvibes. I may have another new button in the works, but feel free to share any services that I’m missing. I’ve also updated the Yahoo, Rojo, Newsgator and Pluck images to come directly from those services, […]