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Tagged: halloween

Halloween 2023

We’ve been having a lot of Halloween fun this year and keeping ourselves busy. Pumpkin Carving We carved 6 pumpkins; two of which we grew ourselves. We have Ghostface, Bowser, Tiny Face, two scary face pumpkins, and one that’s full of hearts and holes. Trunk or Treat We volunteered at our church and decorated our […]

We handed out potatoes for Halloween.

This year, our Halloween candy bowl had potatoes mixed in. That’s right, potatoes. As it turns out, some kids love potatoes. This all started when my wife read something about someone else who did this and how kids loved it. Seemed like a fun thing to do on Halloween, so we thought we’d give it […]

Halloween Decorations 2021

It’s Halloween time again, and we have our Jack Skellington on the garage, added some animated lights above the garage, black light strips around the garage and front porch along with tape that lights up in black lights. We have a few motion detected decorations as well to scare the kids, but nothing too scary. […]

Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween Decorations

This year, for Halloween, I made all new Nightmare Before Christmas decorations. Oogie Boogie and Zero are just cut out of poster board which I got at the Dollar Store for $1 for two pieces of paper. Put them in the window and they block out the light at night. Super easy for minimal effort. […]

Luna Lovegood Halloween

For Halloween this year, Lily went as Luna Lovegood from Harry Potter. It’s great to see her picking characters/costumes that are unique and fun. Luna’s brave, smart, creative, and not like any one else. 

2018 Halloween Pumpkins

This years Halloween pumpkins include a cat, OMG face, Spiderman, Harry Potter and a cat-a-corn (cat unicorn). This year we tried a few different techniques on a few of the pumpkins like scraping the outside of the pumpkin and not carving it all the way through. That’s how Spiderman’s web is done and Harry’s glasses. […]