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Tagged: target

How to stop Cartwheel by Target from sharing your coupons on Facebook.

Cartwheel is a new coupon app from Target. You can easily find coupons for lots of items and then just show the cashier your phone at checkout. The downside is you have to sign up with your Facebook account and then it auto shares any coupons you select with your Facebook friends. To disable this feature, or rather stop […]

Google Coming to the Twin Cities?

No, Google is not opening up an office here just yet, but over at the Technology Evangelist they have a convincing argument going on. Their thought is that Google should move into the Ford plant in St. Paul. Why? Well first of all it’s a large plot of land in the middle of the Twin […]

Still No Nintendo Wii For Us

We struck out once again when trying to get a Nintendo Wii. We heard Target was getting a shipment today, Sunday, so we got up at 5am and got to Target by 6. Already there were over 30 people in line and some had been there since midnight. At 7 they handed out tickets, however […]

Blank DVDs Are Cheap

Since my new iMac has a DVD burner I just had to play with it.  I went to Target to get a few and was pleasantly surprised.  Last time I bought blank DVD’s it was $15 for 5.  Boy has a lot changed.  I got 50 for $15 this time!!! I’m very excited as I […]