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A List of Handy Mac Apps

I love apps, specifically Mac apps. I’m always on the lookout for something new, something to make my day easier, or just something fun to try. Occasionally I find something great, and I’d like to share some of those apps with you. Paste Not sure how anyone can live with just one clipboard. Paste gives […]

Halloween Decorations 2021

It’s Halloween time again, and we have our Jack Skellington on the garage, added some animated lights above the garage, black light strips around the garage and front porch along with tape that lights up in black lights. We have a few motion detected decorations as well to scare the kids, but nothing too scary. […]

Turns out weed & feed works!

We’ve used weed & feed on the lawn in the past, but this year it left dark green lines everywhere it was put down. You can see exactly where it was applied and where it wasn’t. It definitely is working and I guess the grass was very hungry. I used granular so knowing exactly where […]

Say hello to Monster, Oscar, Imposter, and Carl

This year, I’m determined to get a good crop of pumpkins. Meet Monster, Oscar, Imposter, and Carl my pumpkin boxes protecting the seedlings from rabbits and other critters. I haven’t had great luck growing pumpkins in my yard due to all the great trees, so this year I asked my neighbor if I could utilize […]