This is quite possibly the greatest plugin ever!* You can now get the Made on a Mac WordPress plugin that will automatically insert a button to your blog that states your blog was made on a Mac. How cool is that?!
The initial release is extremely basic. Just install it and enable it. That’s all. It hooks into Worpress via the wp_meta function and will place the button after that information. Usually that’s in the sidebar where it says Meta. If you don’t have that function in your theme, which isn’t completely out of the ordinary, you can manually add some code in. Just see the install page.
So what’s next for the Made on a Mac plugin? Well, I was thinking of adding in some more graphics. Letting you, yes you, design some buttons and send them in. Then future users could choose from a number of different looks.
Other button ideas, besides just more Apple buttons, could include: Designed For Firefox, Built with skEdit or CSS by CSSEdit.
Ok, I’ll admit, I was just going to add some icons to my sidebar to promote the great software I was using for my site. Then I decided to make it into a plugin to share. There is only one button now, but, if others are interested, I can add more in too. Just let me know if you like the idea and I’ll get a form up to let you submit your buttons.
For now, you can download your very own Made on a Mac WordPress plugin and start showing even more Apple love on your WordPress blog.
* Ok, it’s not the greatest plugin ever. That would probably be Akismet in my opinion.
“Made on a Mac & Might not look right on a PC” :)))
As long as you have a standards compliant browser, you’ll be fine. 🙂