I decided the other day that I wanted a new, cool Growl notification style for when I receive new email in Thunderbird. Instead of creating a Thunderbird specific one, I decided to create a generic one for email.
GotMail is the Growl notification style that I came up with. It’s simple in nature, but does have a bit of added flair at the bottom as a plain black box didn’t suit my needs.
The background of GotMail comes from BittBoxb and the email icon comes from Jonas Rask Design. Thanks to those that make graphics and give them away for free.
Download GotMail today and let me know what you think.
To Install, just download, unzip and click on GotMail.growlStyle.
– A Mac
– Growl
you should make it for snarl (growl for windows).
that would be awful nice.
p.s. http://www.fullphat.net/
(you can find it there)
Thanks for the link jeff. I’ll look into it.
hey yea! excitedly opened this page n found out dats its only for mac 🙁