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Mall of America is Still Expanding…. Eventually.

The Mall of America has talked about expanding for years now.  There was talks about a casino, hotel, entertainment / concert hall, Bass Pro Shop and so much more.  Yet, nothing has happened.  Good news is that the mall is still expanding, bad news is, not really anytime soon.

Instead of one giant addition, they are now thinking of a three phased approach.  The first, 3 million square foot, phase could be done by 2013.  The rest… maybe in our lifetime.

There are no details on store, or when construction may start, but at least they are sill thinking of expanding.  However, with the economy the way it is, I wouldn’t be expect to see the expansion be delayed yet again.  On the other hand, think of how many jobs it’d create!

Mall of America Expansion Rendering

Mall of America Expansion Rendering

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