I got a box of random crap from my mom the other day and it was full of memories, odds and ends, and things that I have no idea what were.
So what was in the box?! Take a look! Everything is from the 80s or earlier.
These things were great. Kinda like Legos, but not quite. I had lots of fun with these as a kid.
I don’t really remember having comics, but I found one. How much is it worth? 10 grand?! $5? Probably nothing.
Memo book and lubrication guide for the 1980’s. Well OK then.
Some random He-Man card. His outfit is amazing.
I’m not sure if they were cheap Transformers or just what they were.
Are these worth anything? Gotta be right? One is Wally Joyner and it changes, and the other is Doc Gooden. I’m taking offers.
This isn’t some cheap plastic toy, it’s hard plastic and in great condition. I’m sure some Nerd will love it.
This is from some tracing art kit. You put in some pieces and then ran a crayon over it and got a picture. Too bad this is only one piece.
Just think of all the Indian stuff you can make with this book. Doubt you’ll find this at any library. Golden oldies.
Yep. We found Jesus.
I have fond memories of starting this book and never finishing it. Look how cute he is on the motorcycle though!
1000! That’s more mosters that in most books. It’s a flip book and you can choose the head and the legs and build your own monster.
I kept a few of the items and I left the rest for the trash man.