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Author: Thomas

Colon Cancer – A Year Later

It’s been a year since I found out I had colon cancer. I’m grateful to say that I’m nearly back to normal. Some minor side effects still linger, but I’m cancer free and enjoying life again. I’ve even passed my recent CT scan, blood work, and colonoscopy with no issues found. I’m extremely lucky that […]

Kitty Piddle Pop – It’s SODAsgusting

We visited Minnesota’s Largest Candy Store over the weekend and I picked up some Kitty Piddle pop. It’s supposed to be SODAsgusting, but it was pretty good. It’s pineapple orange flavor and I’d recommend it. Avery’s makes other great gross flavors too like Bug Barf, Alien Snot, Worm Ooze, and Unicorn Yack, among others. If […]

Participated in our first 5k over the weekend.

This past weekend, my daughter and I participated in our first 5k.  I’ve been wanting to do a 5k for a while, but I never went for it. I like to walk, but I’m not a big runner, so convincing myself was hurdle #1. Hurdle #2 was having someone to do it with, as I […]

Chemo Journey Complete

Today was a big day as I got my chemo port removed. This marks the end of my cancer treatment. Technically, I’ve been cancer free since my surgery in October, as they were able to cut it out. The chemo I’ve been going through since November is to reduce the chances of it coming back […]

My chemo journey is ending.

Today was my last chemo infusion! I still have chemo pills to take for two weeks, and some not so fun side effects to deal with, but this is the beginning of the end. In just a few weeks, side effects will slowly start to subside, and my body will just keep getting better. My […]

Don’t tell me WordPress is slow. Improve your code.

There’s a lot of push for headless WordPress, or converting over to static site generators. Whereas they are nice, and they have their place, they’re not always needed. Instead of putting the effort into something new, why not optimize what you have? I have done just that and Lighthouse shows my scores are all excellent. […]