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Nightmare Before Christmas Halloween Decorations

This year, for Halloween, I made all new Nightmare Before Christmas decorations. Oogie Boogie and Zero are just cut out of poster board which I got at the Dollar Store for $1 for two pieces of paper. Put them in the window and they block out the light at night. Super easy for minimal effort. […]

Photo a Day Challenge

On January 1st I started a photo a day challenge and you can see my photos over at I’m not following any sort of list or recommendations but rather just taking a photo a day. Turns out that taking a photo a day is both easy and hard. Some days I see lots of […]

5th Grade – Let’s Do This

Time just keeps marching on and Lily started 5th grade this year. Last year our school moved the 5th grade to the middle school so now she’s a middle schooler. I still can’t quite comprehend that. Now that she’s in 5th grade she’s required to have her own Chromebook, a trapper keeper, has a band […]

I Built A Bat House

I recently built a bat house. It even has a Bat Girl sticker. Since I hear bats eat mosquitos, I thought it may be a good idea to attract a few. Plus we had a bat living in one of our vents a year or two ago so I thought it’d be easy to attract […]

Happy 10th Birthday Lily!

Happy Birthday to my sweet girl. This time it’s double digits! Lily had a great time with her family and friends over the past few days. First, we had grandparents and uncles up for some yard games and ice cream cake. Then we had a family day. Followed by a trip to Valleyfair with a […]

No Soliciting. Seriously, don’t make it weird.

There’s a lot of contractors going door to door since the hail storm so we put up a sign.  So far it’s been pretty effective. Here is the full size version of the Grumpy Cat No Soliciting Sign if you want a copy. It’s good to note that I didn’t create this, I found it […]