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While on Vacation Try Something New

When on vacation, it’s always good to check out some of the local restaurants and see if you can find something new and different. We had Butterbeer (both regular and frozen and frozen was much better), Gillywater, M&M pancakes, Oreo waffles, burger and fries that came in a 50s style car, and strawberry pina colada pancakes […]

Take a Vacation Without Social Media

It’s been 6 days since I posted to, or read social media. I took a vacation and actually disconnected; well, sort of disconnected. I still used GPS and took photos on my phone, but no Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram updates. I thought it’d be hard but it turns out that it wasn’t so bad and […]

New Year. New Fairy Garden.

We have not one but two fairy gardens this year. This one is located on our deck and has some nice pieces that we gave Lily at Easter along with some things we had just sitting around. Only a few plants in here but they’ll grow big. The other one is similar, but has bigger […]