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Category: Fun

Passionately Curious

I have no speical talents. I am only passionately curious. – Albert Einstein

Keyboard Shortcuts Take To Much Time

This is funny because I see people do it all the time. They’ll click and click and spend 10x the amount of time it’d take a keyboard shortcut to do the same thing. Take the time to learn keyboard shortcuts people. You’ll be so much more productive.

All You Need To Know About Social Media [pict]

Have you ever wondered the difference between Facebook, Twitter and MySpace?  Well has just the answer for you. It seems that Facebook is a combo of narcissism and stalking where MySpace is narcissism and ADHD. Twitter on the other hand has all three! Go Twitter! If you’d like, makes this print available on […]

Live & Dream

Live as if you’ll die tomorrow. Dream as if you’ll live forever. Words to live by. via Butterfingers

Anyone Want a Christmas Cookie?

These are a few of the many Christmas cookies that our friends and family are enjoying this holiday season. Don’t they look delicious? 🙂

Cookie Monster Giving Up Cookies? I Doubt It.

Growing up, Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster was all about the cookies. He was a cookie monster after all. But now a days there is a big healthy eating push and somehow, a big blue muppet has more say in what kids eat than parents. Course that could be because the parents sit the kids in […]