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Category: Minnesota

And that’s why I don’t trust the weather man.

Last week I overheard a co-worker say that we were going to get a big storm in a week with a foot or more of snow. Then my wife heard it too. Seems it was all over the news. WCCO was reporting 12-15 inches possible, KSTP said 6+ and most other stations were reporting a […]

I like driving on snow covered roads because you can drive anywhere.

The roads are ice and snow-covered and you know what that means? No lines! It’s one of the few times you can swerve into the other lane, then back. Onto the shoulder and back. Over and over again, and no one thinks twice. Since you can’t see the lines, it’s all good! Most of the […]

We now own a snow blower.

It took many years and many feet of snow, but I’ve finally given in and we got our first snow blower. I picked it up at Lowe’s earlier today and it barely fit into my car. But it rode in the passenger’s seat quite nicely. It turns out snow blowers are harder to find in […]

Freeway Drive Time Signs Are Amazingly Accurate

Now that I have a longer drive to work, and into the big city, I’ve found the freeway drive time signs to be very handy, and really accurate. I pass three of these on my way to work and they help me decide which path to take. Some days they say it’ll take me 9 […]

Waconia Christmas Lights House Spectacular

For years, there has been a house, a few miles from ours, that celebrates Christmas big time. And we never knew about it until this year. The house has over 150,000 LED Christmas lights and they are all programmed to music. This makes me think I need more lights on my house! If you want […]

My 2010 Blizzard Photos

The 2010 blizzard is over and the digging out is underway. It took us 2 hours to get a decent path cleared and who knows how long it would have taken us to shovel the whole thing. Lucky for us, we have good neighbors. It’s days like today that remind us how great of neighbors we […]

Geeking out at the first WordCamp MSP

The first ever WordCamp Minneapolis – St. Paul was a full day of nothing but WordPress and it was great. First off, the BestBuy campus was a fantastic location. For those that have never been there, it’s easy to get to, easy to get around, and very cool on the inside. This was the perfect […]