I’m working ever so hard to get every theme updated for Firefox 3 and now I have another. PinkHope is ready to go!
Like the others, the entire theme was re-coded and some elements may be different. I don’t aim to make an exact duplicate of the Firefox 2 version, but rather an upgrade.
For those that don’t know, PinkHope is a bright pink theme that takes aim at creating awareness for breast cancer fighters, survivors and supporters. It’s also great for anyone who likes pink.
Thankyou so much. 😀
I loveeee that!!
Is it maybe possible to convert the old pink-hope one (which I liked more ^^”) for firefox 3, too?
thanks for the message! (: i really like pinkhope, just that I’m not sure whether to use it, because it doesn’t work well with another add-on (all in one sidebar). But thanks!
thanks. Nice pink October theme.
Pink for: Grandmother Elsie, Cousins Dorothy Jean and Illah Rose(IR beat it!!!), Aunt Dorothy, and my Very Special Aunties Hazel (diagnosed at 92!!!) and Anne (diagnosed at 39 and made her transition at 79!!!) Who cares if breast cancer is a familial gene, whose side . . . doesn’t matter in my family. Breast cancer is nondenominational, nondiscriminatory, etc., let’s beat it together!!!
peace and light my sisters and brothers – gretchen
i prefer black for my ff